I've been on a bit of a metal kick myself lately. Every once in a while the urge has to be satisfied I guess...plus it's an excellent way to get people to keep the hell out of your room if you live with roommates.
I happen to love Burzum, so anything before Varg went to jail is recommended.
Also Clandestine Blaze are quite good.
Gorgoroth's last album is quite good, as well as
Welowie by Gontyna Kry.
As far as black metal from the US goes, a friend of mine played me a band called Wolves in the Throne Room who were pretty good, although a bit too epic for me in some parts.
As far as metal that's not black metal that I've been enjoying this month:
Eyehategod, especially either the albums
Take as Needed for Pain or
Khanate, but only the self titled album.
Soilent Green
Acid Bath
Suffocation, especially
Effigy of the Forgotten
Discordance Axis -
The Inalienable Dreamless
and lastly I second the recommendation for the Harvey Milk
Courtesy and Good Will Toward Men. And Neurosis, cause you can never listen to too much Neurosis when in the mood to really listen to metal.
Uh, I guess that's all the immediately popped into mind.
Lastly, I recommend the website
http://www.metal-archives.com/ for all your metal research needs.