being a pot head

Total votes: 108 (68%)
not crap
Total votes: 50 (32%)
Total votes: 158

being a pot head

Johnny 13 wrote:I have never tried it.

I don't much mind being around the people doing it, but the smell is repulsive. Much worse than tobacco.

Tobacco is fucking hurts and makes me ill and I smoked for years.'mon, man. That's the smell that brings nations together. A good sticky-icky with the stanky-anky is heaven.

being a pot head

pot is ok. smoking pot to be cool or hip or whatever that's crap. I don't think that pot changes your character. pot head morons remain jerks also without smoking pot. stop blaming it on mary jane. (no my bad english skills are not the consequence of too much pot. I'm just an alien....).

being a pot head

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:And both poetry and human relationships--really anything worth doing-- are all about depth to me.

Don't underestimate width. And pulling her hair and such.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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