Will Oldham?

Total votes: 17 (16%)
Total votes: 92 (84%)
Total votes: 109

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

Mr. Chimp wrote:Could any of you fine folk, who are well versed with the BPB/Palace et. al. discography provide a list of recordings that Matt Sweeney is part of?

Or a link to a resource or whatever.

I mean, beyond Superwolf and the live record.


You just mean Oldham stuff he is part of? Becsue he has done other stuff, I'm sure you know this: GBV, Chavez, Zwan, Early Man...

BTW: Not Crap, a large majority of it is quite gorgeous sounding.

ALTHOUGH, if you like the strummier aspects of Will, check out big brother Ned and his excellent crew of pals who are ANOMOANON: http://www.anomoanon.com/

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

Mr. Chimp wrote:Could any of you fine folk, who are well versed with the BPB/Palace et. al. discography provide a list of recordings that Matt Sweeney is part of?

Or a link to a resource or whatever.

I mean, beyond Superwolf and the live record.


Complete discography:

Other than the live album, Superwolf, and the Superwolf EP. There is a track called "Demon Lover" from the Sprout OST that is Will and Matt. It sounds like it could of come some the s.wolf sessions. There could be more, but thats all I can think of right now.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

glynnisjohns wrote:The new record is great. I don't what it is you do Jim White but you slay me in a sad , paced well thought out way that comes off as if your a drunken lush playing 3/4 all night. But I know the world hides behind those rhythms. and i love you. There I said it ,i'm a flamin' homo. At least i know how to pick 'em.
Fantastic record.

Robert Christgau once wrote that Levon Helm was the only drummer who could make you cry. Clearly he had not heard Jim White play when he wrote that. I've seen him with Will, with Smog, and with The Dirty Three, and he always blows my mind and finds my heart.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

wow. Tim - were you implying that you've moved from crap to not crap?

sheesh. i can understand how someone who has only seen 1 unfortunate Will O / BPB / Palace show might say crap, or only listened to an unfortunate record once or twice, but if you give him a chance, i find it hard to understand how someone after repeated listenings & shows would consider him crap. then again, Iraq & the West Bank are still occupied, so there's a lot i just don't understand...

N O T C R A P.

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