doing the old-skool punk-rock thing

Total votes: 21 (46%)
Total votes: 25 (54%)
Total votes: 46

Act: Putting stickers on your guitar - bass

noise&light wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:"Norweigians Do It With a Lutefisk"

What does this mean?

I just made it up.
You know, some slogan type thing. Like "divers do it under water."

But since I was talking about Norweigians...I mean what the hell do Norweigians do anyway, other than eat stuff like lutefisk?

It was a joke that apparently fell on it's face.

Ha ha...ha...ha.....haaaaa

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Act: Putting stickers on your guitar - bass

zom-zom wrote:No, it's always crap. Always, no matter how syrupy and sentimental the sticker is, it ruins the guitar and makes you look dumb for placing it on there.


What about mike watt? Aside from "Hell Ride" he even glued photos to his bass. I always thought that was cool. He even has a fucking dog on it! But it was never dumb ass stickers of any kind. I don't have stickers on any of my guitars...

Act: Putting stickers on your guitar - bass

chrisc wrote:I put a sticker on my bass. Then I took it off. Now there is some sticker residue CRAP on the thing. I try scraping the thing off with a razor blade! I try burning the thing off! This piece of CRAP she doesn't come off! And she looks better with the CRAP on it than the sticker!

I hate you sticker residue.

Spread butter on it and leave sit for 10 minutes. Wipe off. Repeat.
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


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