Coolest animal?

wiggins wrote:My vote goes to the Noble Cephalopod family.


They can change colors, squeeze through little bitty places, squirt poisonous ink, decipher differential equations (we just can't interpret their telepathy, but they can, and do), wash your dishes, etc.


They are smart as fuck, also. In an aquarium where one of my friends works, there were fish disappearing from one of the small tanks. No one could figure it out. They were expensive fish, I guess, and they set up a video camera at night to check it out.

An octopus who lived in its own tank across the little corridor was squeezing through the air vent in the top of it's tank, going across the corridor, sqeezing into the fish tank, and eating fish. And it would get back to its own tank by the time people came back in the morning.

Plus, cuttlefish are really creepy.

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