Coolest animal?

the narwhal:

It's a toothed cetacean with a 10 foot long tusk which is thought to be used for echolocation and/or measuring conditions like temperature and the salinity of the water. It is also thought that the narwhal may stun prey (usually squid but sometimes fish) by emitting a deafening sound.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Coolest animal?

The coolest animal is the ordinary brown bear. It's reputation has been sullied by years of teddy bear production and Gentle Ben theatrics, but...

The brown bear can exceed 1500 pounds and 9 feet in height.
It has 5 inch claws.
It can run at 30 mph over distance, not in short bursts.
It can kill a human being with one swipe.

These things do not make a brown bear cool.

Many of its subspecies are content to eat branches, berries, and insects as their primary food source. Some eat fish. Only a few actually bother to hunt large game. Possessing unbelievable strength and resolve, but using it judiciously - that's cool.

Dolphins are cool, too.

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