The Departed

Not Crap
Total votes: 33 (92%)
Total votes: 3 (8%)
Total votes: 36

Film: The Departed

Horrible. Not even on par with some of Scorcese's overlooked and much better movies like After Hours and Color of Money. 50 minutes too long, a convoluted "Who cares?" plot, pedestrian photography, cardboard characters with no history or motivation whatsoever. And the acting---good Lord. Jack Nicholson pretty much plays Jack Nicholson, and not once do you believe he's anyone else.

This might be one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen.

Film: The Departed

Not Crap overall. Good performances from DiCaprio, Nicholson and Wahlberg steals all his scenes like he did in I Heart Huckabees.

DiCaprio is sorta Joe Pesci's replacement- love the scene where he beats up the guys with "Nobody But You" in the background. Straight out of GoodFellas.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Film: The Departed

Not Crap and if it was made by just about anyone other than Scorsese it would be described as genius...but Scorsese has done it before and better. But still NC.

Nicholson should have been pulled back a bit and somehow forced to surprise us. I'm not sure what Scorsese sees in DiCaprio (who still hasn't topped his Gilbert Grape performance) but he's better in this than the other 2 Scorsese films.

My vote for best performance goes to Matt Damon. Complex but unfortunately he may get lost amid the scenery chewing.

I'd be interested in hearing from those more familiar with the South Boston Irish accent. Who got it right and who didn't?

Film: The Departed

Is this movie essentially a remake of Infernal Affairs? I have tried to avoid finding out too much, but what little i have found out makes it sound exremely similar. No spoilers please.
Scorcese has dissapointed me to much in recent years, but i'll probably be going to see it at the weekend regardless. Good to see at least some of you enjoyed it.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

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