The Departed

Not Crap
Total votes: 33 (92%)
Total votes: 3 (8%)
Total votes: 36

Film: The Departed

galanter wrote:My vote for best performance goes to Matt Damon. Complex but unfortunately he may get lost amid the scenery chewing.

Is true, Matt Damon gets a lot of shit, but he was real good in this too. He's a bit underrated. Unfortunately I can't say the same for his buddy Affleck.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Film: The Departed

galanter wrote:I'd be interested in hearing from those more familiar with the South Boston Irish accent. Who got it right and who didn't?

Wahlberg wins hands down, but then again he's from Dorchester, or as the locals call it--Dot--the neighborhood just south of Southie. His was dead on--Damon was good, Dicaprio was decent for someone trying to approximate a Boston accent, and most everyone else sounded like they had the "Mayor Quimby Boston Accent tutorial" on in their trailers. Maybe not that bad, but you could sniff out the imposters rather easily.

Film: The Departed

mattw wrote:
galanter wrote:My vote for best performance goes to Matt Damon. Complex but unfortunately he may get lost amid the scenery chewing.

Is true, Matt Damon gets a lot of shit, but he was real good in this too. He's a bit underrated.

I think Matt Damon is actually a good actor who gets lumped in as a bad actor with Ben because of association. Watch the Bourne films and tell me they aren't ten times more intense than the past few Bond films.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Film: The Departed

I thought that this movie was fantastic.

Definitely better than the last number of films that he has put out.

I was totally involved all of the way through.

Damon, Wahlberg, Baldwin, Ray Winstone, even DiCaprio was good. Nicholson was Nicholson, which is rarely a bad thing.

I particularly like the scene where Costello and Costigan are catching a meal together, and you can see Costello weighing all of the options about bringing Costigan in (balanced with profound respect for Costigan's father and uncle's wishes might have been) illustrated beautifully in his choice of words and phrasings.

There was a touch of a sequencing issue that bothered me briefly, but only briefly.

I enjoyed this film very much, for a majority of the same reasons that I enjoy The Wire, and George Pelecanos novels. Also The Power of the Dog by Don Winslow.
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

Film: The Departed

I've had a really tough time getting the line "Maybe...Maybe not....Maybe fuck yourself!" out of my head and laughing at random moments since seeing it.

Definitely less thought provoking than most Marty's work. But I understood why he took on this film. The opening monologue is practically a charter statement for every lead character Scorcese works with from Howard Hughes, to Jake Lamotta, to Jesus. The ending is a reminder that this is a remake of a Hong Kong film. Foreign films like tragic endings and since Hollywood usually doesn't, it's easy to lose sight of that.


Film: The Departed

saw this over the weekend.. really liked it overall.

Nicholson was at his best.. and everyone else did a great job too. Couple of things were pretty corny and there were some definite plot holes, but imho its an instant classic.

tmidgett wrote:robert christgau, in a moment of supreme clarity, once called mick mars 'dork-fingered,' which about sums him up

Film: The Departed

I wasn't expecting much, but man, I thought it was great. Nice length, good pace. I was happy to see the "funny violence" a la Casino and Clockwork Orange: dudes getting the shit kicked out of them to the cheeriness of a good upbeat tune. I love that.

DiCaprio was good. I thought I'd never say it.

Nicely done!

Not Crap.

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