Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

I came across this article arguing why Obama shouldn't run for President in '08. I couldn't agree more, my argument has been the same since he ran for the Senate and people were immediately wanting him to run for the Presidency before he even arrived in DC.

I believe he's got a lot of hype behind him, but he hasn't proven anything of real significance. He is a junior senator who acts just that: he hasn't passed any tests that would prove his mettle as the President. Just because he's energetic, black and talks big doesn't mean anything until he puts his money where his mouth is. The only things he's done that have gotten press lately is talk about how Democrats need to speak about religion openly. I see that as pandering to a block of voters and not really speaking about important issues, like getting out of Iraq or impeaching the current p.o.s. in the Oval office right now.

Give him a few years under his belt, enough to prove what kind of politician he is, then perhaps he should start running. But at the moment it seems to me that he only ran for Senate as a launching pad for the Presidency and I don't see how that's helpful to the Democrats or the rest of the country.

To point out:
Given his national profile and formidable political talents, he could have been a potent spokesman for Democratic causes in the Senate. Instead, he has refused to expend his political or personal capital on a single controversial issue, preferring to offer anodyne pieces of legislation and sign on to the popular efforts of others.

The last few times Obama has come out on an issue, even the one with McCain, he seems to crumble under the pressure or I find myself completely disagreeing with his choices. There's no question the man has potential, but I'd hate to see him spoil all his capital before he does something extraordinary to prove he's not all hype.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

First off, he is not going to run for president in '08. Not. NOT.

Second, you, or the guy you're quoting, seems to be saying he shouldn't spoil whatever chances he has by grabbing for the brass ring too early but that you're also disappointed in him for not spoiling his chances by using all of his capital for some single issue brass ring.

Leave the guy alone. He's a first term Senator from a midwestern state. Barring his retirement from politics, a huge scandal, his untimely demise, or an introspective inventory-taking wherein he finds he doesn't want to be president Obama will not run for president until 2016 or even 2020, my guess would be - another senate term, term as governor of Illinois, candidacy for president.

maybe in 6 years this post will look very foolish. i don't know for sure.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

You're suggesting that no pundit, journalist or blogger has ever mentioned that he should run for president, that he has never been posed the question or that he hasn't made any of his own inquiries.

There is some evidence that he's interested, if not '08, then in general. If you read the article, it points this out:

If Obama isn't overtly preparing for a presidential run, he's certainly testing the waters. Recent weeks have seen him headlining Iowa Senator Tom Harkin's steak fry, a legendary stop on the presidential aspirant road tour. While there, he had Steve Hildebrand, Al Gore's former Iowa director, introduce him to the state's activists. And the attention was only enhanced when Illinois state Comptroller Dan Hynes, who challenged Obama in the 2004 Democratic primary, released an open letter urging the young senator to run for president in 2008.

So, unless you work on his staff or no him personally, saying he's NOT going to run isn't very convincing.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Obama--the best and most appealing potential candidate either party has produced in years--has a limited window of opportunity. If Hillary wins office, since nobody will challenge an incumbent, Obama's next chance won't be until 2016. And frankly, Hillary doesn't exactly have a lock should McCain win the GOP nomination.

The "experience" concerns just need to die. We would be foolish to neglect the intelligent, charismatic, inspiring, effective, well-loved rookie (with ample state and national Senate experience) in favor of washed-up folks with "experience." We're not the Chicago Cubs.

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