Say something nice about George W. Bush

Andrew L. wrote:Mr. Bush, if the most direct route to the American heart is at the pumps, you don't give a fuck. Way to stick to your guns.



Damn, we are a simple minded people. It just seems like the president's approval rating would be tied other factors as well. Or maybe all the factors that affect gas prices affect the president's approval rating in a similar manner. But I thought gas prices were just determined by whatever OPEC felt like raping us for.

Say something nice about George W. Bush

Ok, I see now..

Left Business Observer wrote:There's no precedent for this tight relationship. Approval ratings for Clinton and Reagan were mildly influenced by gas prices, but Bush 41's seems not to have been at all. That may mean that the gas-dependency of W's popularity may actually be a reflection of other things: the war in Iraq has driven up gas prices, as did Hurricane Katrina. So the approval rating, rather than being "caused" by gas itself, may just be reflecting growing public dissatisfaction with the war and the stunning incompetence in handling Katrina. But it's remarkable how closely the approval line follows almost every quiver in the price of gas. So if Bush wants to keep from matching Carter's 28% and Nixon's 25% lows (the worst approval ratings of the past 50 years), he'd better get Cheney to make sure that gas prices keep falling.

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