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Total votes: 4

Band: The Detholz!

I love them as people so much that I become giddy when I see them on stage. I'm sure I'm not the only one like that, but paint me fan girl.

Their theatrical presence isn't to my usual taste, but they have frigging brought. it. to their shows. Carl's voice is a wonder and, I believe, our best hope to halt the scourge of nuclear weaponry.

Band: The Detholz!

really old friends.

seen 'em maybe twenty times. I think seven of them were shows/tours we did together.

Their new stuff is a lot less funny and a lot more uncomfortable/paranoid than their old stuff. It is great. They are one hell of a live band.

they are also five of the most kind and striking individuals I've been lucky to know. They're kinda like family.

NOT CRAP WF: I don't like their covers so much.

also, the record release for Cast Out Devils is Saturday Oct 28th @ the Empty Bottle. Incidentally, it sounds great. it's the first recordings they've done (and I've heard them all) that didn't sound flat and lifeless (compared to the live show). It's something that when I first heard it, I thought "wow, I will actually listen to this".

kerble is right.

Band: The Detholz!

kerble wrote:really old friends.

seen 'em maybe twenty times. I think seven of them were shows/tours we did together.

I may be the only who doesn't know this, but I'll ask anyway... What band were/are you in?

Yes, the detholz are unbelievable live and the new album is fantastic. There are a handful of song where they really get the balance between the "old" detholz craziness with the "new" more strightforward songwriting

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