Let us see your pet.

Sly Bug wrote:Je suis désolé pour toi. Je sais que c'est dur.

merci sylvain c'est gentil!!
c'est vraiment pas facile mais rien n'est supposé étre insurmontable!
en tous les cas j'apprécie vraiment!!

Let us see your pet.

agent202 wrote:hello to you all!!
i'm very sad today!
i just want to tell you the dead of Cloe aka Kuter
not only my cat since 15 years but a real good fella,
tasty in music, gentle with everybody!!
not only a cat for me!
R.I.P sweet heart!!


I am very sorry for your loss, mon ami.

I have experienced this kind of loss more than once in recent years.

RIP sweet Kuter.

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