Mice in the Kitchen

dlayphoto wrote:Call your landlord. Some cities have a provision in their tenant laws that require pest control...at least that's how it is here.

Goddammeet, why you do theese for?! Why you go attract the roodents? Now they in walls, make sheetes in Shady's prooperty! Meh.

Ah, fahging ay, theese the deel. You get mouser cat, but not theese poosy Persians, okay? Asshole people, asshole keetees, you know! I make joke! You get Tonkeeneese, they get mice! Get theese cat, but no tell anyboody! Especially Meeze Hooper in 5C, or I keele you!

Speecial favohre from Shady, becahse I like you. Tell no one!
Asshole!!! Meh.

R.F.F. wrote:The landlord almost always wins.

Mice in the Kitchen

When we had mice in our flat in London the exterminators that the landlord called in were no use, as the flat was in a house containing three other flats, and if the whole building doesn't get done it's pointless. Some mice will die, but the others are lurking. I was a strict vegetarian at the time and didn't like the idea of killing things, but by the end of the infestation I had become Himmler. I used small cardboard boxes to sit traps in, making a little hole at one end for an entrance. No exit hole necessary. These little boxes were placed in strategic spots and could be left day to day without my girlfriend having to watch out for toe-breaking traps or instances of broken-necked mouse. The boxes were checked once a day. When death hath come visiting, the entire box, containing trap and cadaver, was disposed of (traps are cheap) without any fuss and a new one put down in its place. What will tend to be the case is that the same spot will not often be visited by mice twice in a row, as they can smell the blood left from the previous execution. After a while, the mice will stop coming at all. I recommend white chocolate as bait. Occasionally a mouse will not be fully on the trap in order for it to be killed instantly, and will just have its face smashed in instead. The boxes are useful in these instances as they muffle the protracted squeaking emitting from its former mouth, allowing you a decent night's sleep. It'll be dead by morning.

Mice in the Kitchen

My roommates and I had mice consistently in an apartment I lived in because the building itself was very old. The super sent the exterminator to my apartment, but the mice remained even though he completely sprayed the apartment down and put down poison. Nothing was completely effective, but I found a few ways to cut down on the problem:

1. Constantly cleaning the kitchen thoroughly so there were never any food scraps and constantly doing the dishes, always making sure there was no stagnant water in the sink so they couldn't have a ready source of food or water.

2. Refrigerating any and all food that was out, except for the canned food.

3. Putting traps down. The glue traps proved to be the most effective kind, but also the kind that made me feel really bad for the caught mouse. The mice could be freed by pouring vegetable oil on the trap. There are several ways to kill the mouse once it's caught, such as putting it in a plastic bag and sealing it so it runs out of oxygen, or you could stick the mouse into the freezer (which is what we did since we didn't use it) and allowing the mouse to freeze to death, which is supposedly supposed to be relatively painless.

4. Filling in any and all holes and cracks along the walls.

5. Getting cats. Once we got cats,we didn't see any mice any more, and it didn't seem like they caught more than 2 mice the whole time we were in the apartment. It's as if the mice sensed the cats were there and just left.

Good luck though, they're really quite difficult to get rid of completely.

Mice in the Kitchen

my cat brought me an average of four mice every day over the summer.
she doesn't associate prey with food so she just leaves them about the house. since she only kills about half of them, a good proportion of them escape into my cottage somewhere. then i have to try to get them out before they snuff it. it's something i've come to excel at.

i made a little video of one of them escaping from my patio.
check it out, he was in the house for 14 hours.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Mice in the Kitchen

Shady Landlord wrote:
dlayphoto wrote:Call your landlord. Some cities have a provision in their tenant laws that require pest control...at least that's how it is here.

Goddammeet, why you do theese for?! Why you go attract the roodents? Now they in walls, make sheetes in Shady's prooperty! Meh.

Ah, fahging ay, theese the deel. You get mouser cat, but not theese poosy Persians, okay? Asshole people, asshole keetees, you know! I make joke! You get Tonkeeneese, they get mice! Get theese cat, but no tell anyboody! Especially Meeze Hooper in 5C, or I keele you!

Speecial favohre from Shady, becahse I like you. Tell no one!

fuck yeah, this thread was so worth it now.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Mice in the Kitchen

You must kill them.

People and mice/rats have a very bad history of living together, from the people perspective. When my wife is a little pissed at me and a little drunk, she may ask why I've been a vegetarian for more than 1/2 my life but I'll quickly kill any rodent that lives in my house. I have no problem with this.

I've killed a rat that was just under 25 inches, nose to drawn out dead tail. I'll tell you the story some time if you buy me a drink. But you need to kill these mice. Cats (your own or borrowed) are a great way to do this. If you don't want to get a cat, then you need to take the phrase "think like a mouse" very, very seriously.

= Justin

Mice in the Kitchen

Justin from Queens wrote:You must kill them.

People and mice/rats have a very bad history of living together, from the people perspective. When my wife is a little pissed at me and a little drunk, she may ask why I've been a vegetarian for more than 1/2 my life but I'll quickly kill any rodent that lives in my house. I have no problem with this.

I've killed a rat that was just under 25 inches, nose to drawn out dead tail. I'll tell you the story some time if you buy me a drink. But you need to kill these mice. Cats (your own or borrowed) are a great way to do this. If you don't want to get a cat, then you need to take the phrase "think like a mouse" very, very seriously.

= Justin

I looked at Rat traps in the store the other day, those things a bad ass. I hope to christ that I will never need one of them. Was the rat in your house?
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Mice in the Kitchen

We've reduced our mouse problem down to a single critter, thanks to the steel-wool-in-all-the-holes method and one traumatic experience with a glue trap.

So no real poop problem, but once in a blue moon the little fucker will scurry across a surface right under my nose in a way that seems designed to maximize the heebie-jeebies. It's always right under my hand or out of the corner of my eye in the semi-dark. I think he's been surreptitiously watching Wes Craven movies over my shoulder.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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