Mice in the Kitchen

eephour wrote:I looked at Rat traps in the store the other day, those things a bad ass. I hope to christ that I will never need one of them. Was the rat in your house?

Well, it was a giant, unfinished loft space. And yes, there were three of them. Two took off once the cat showed up (it was a useless mouser, but they didn't stick around to find out).

The other ... the other did battle with me for about a week and a half. The last I saw of him was his carcass sliding into a street sewer grate as I declared victory.


= Justin

Mice in the Kitchen

I had a serious mouse problem at my studio once i moved my cats out of there. It's out in the woods, so there are lots of mice around. My cats would catch them all the time when they stayed there. One night each of them was "playing" with a different mouse at the same time. They kept them in check alright.

However, once the cats left I started noticing mouse shit EVERYWHERE. and LOTS OF IT. So I got some traps, used the peanut butter, and it worked like a charm.

I'd set 2-3 traps at a time, and everyday I'd have killed at least one mouse, usually two. I think there were 11 total before the droppings ceased dropping.

One day I came in to check the traps and they were both empty... but lo and behold, there was a mouse drowned in the shitter! He must have felt bad for shitting in my studio and decided to be decent about it, then slipped right in.

this all happened this summer. I just recently saw some terdlets around the sink. So I put up another trap (I'm stocked up btw) and the next day I caught her. She was a big one.

As long as you keep traps around and keep one armed at all times (with the peanut butter... it's the best bait) you'll keep the problem to a minimum. An exterminator may get rid of them wuick, but they'll always come back.

good luck.

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Mice in the Kitchen

My main memory of the mouse problem in my old flat is my trip to Homebase, when I finally decided to get to grips with the problem. I bought traps of various sizes, I bought poison. As the guy at the checkout passed these items over the scanner, he looked at me askance and said, "You got something against mice, mate?"

I laughed. The advice above is all good, especially the wire wool one. Removing their means of access is a very good place to start.
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