World Series 2006 Tigers v Cards

Well, crapola. Several times Weaver got out of some serious jams, but I guess it still just wasn't meant to be last night... but then again, nobody was really cocky enough to predict 'Cards in 4', so this was to be expected... although that last minute rally in the 9th had gotten my hopes up way too far for just a minute there.

FYI - you might be able to tell, I don't usually follow these sports competitions, but even if I do hear about it amongst family and friends here or at the workplace, it's obviously all "Woo - Go Cards!". So this is one of the few places where I can pimp that whole home-team pride thing, and have it mean something - i.e., get a reaction out of rival fans (or even impartial fans of 'The Game' telling me what is what)... so don't be surprised when Cards win and I'm all "YEA! IN YOUR FACE!" and when they don't win I'm all "Meh?".

World Series 2006 Tigers v Cards

cwiko wrote:Yeah, I'm wondering why Pierzynski gets the rap for being such a jag-bag when Kenny Rogers has proven that he's way more a piece of shit than A.J. & yet doesn't seem to get the reputation for being so.

C'mon, wtf?

You must not have seen how AJP dressed his child when he joined the BBTN crew during the Home-Run Derby this year.



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