That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand

tmidgett wrote:
chopjob wrote:I don't agree with the "whiner" theory. What he had to gain was getting Rogers bounced from the game before 8 innings of two-hit baseball.

In weather like that, a lot of guys are going to use things to hold onto the ball. That's just the way it is.


But the wink-and-a-nod thing between the managers and the umpires/MLB just won't hold up under the media scrutiny. Too much hay can be made of this; it won't go away.

It doesn't help that Pujols is 35 years old and on HGH.

That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand

hogrot wrote:Just look at the front page photo. He had the exact same shitstain in the exact same place for game 3 against the Yanks. Dirt. Give me a fucking break. The get-in-their-head theory is the most ignorant shit I've heard this year.

Agreed. Right up there with this one.
hogrot wrote:Without the shitstain on his hand, maybe the Yanks pound him in Game 3 (like they usually do) and keep the series going until the bats heat up and back to New York.
Eat me.

That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand


Pine-tar is okay for the hitter, because he needs to grip the bat. But not okay for a pitcher, because he isn't supposed to grip the ball. If the ball is wet or the air is dry, the ball can slip out of the pitcher's grasp and that's okay. Unless he wants it to, and spits on the ball to make sure it does. In that case, he's supposed to grip the ball. Getting the ball wet, say, with perspiration or saliva, is forbidden. If it happens to be wet already, from rain, for example, or from being dropped on the wet grass, then that's okay.

The ball can either slip out of the pitcher's hand or be gripped firmly by the pitcher, but only if it is accidental, and against the pitcher's will. Otherwise it's forbidden.

This is supposed to be a rule? How about he throws the ball, you hit the ball and we play the fucking game on the field. How's that for an idea?
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand

hogrot wrote:Just look at the front page photo. He had the exact same shitstain in the exact same place for game 3 against the Yanks. Dirt. Give me a fucking break. The get-in-their-head theory is the most ignorant shit I've heard this year.

Yeah, managers never try to psych out opposing players. Ever.

Look, the shit was on his palm in the first inning in the most obvious of places. So obvious it didn't take a close-up to see. Then after the Cardinal players started talking about it, it was gone.

That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand

hogrot wrote:Yeah lets all beat on the Yankee fan


And for the record, you wouldn't be getting any abuse if you hadn't posted that ridiculous conjecture about the Yankees winning the DS if Rogers didn't have some unidentified stuff on his hand in one game.

Take it like a man and you won't have to take it in the teeth (figuratively) later.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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