hey, non-smokers

How do you feel about smokers?

I've smoked since forever and never gave a fuck what anyone thought. Lately I've realised that nearly all of my current friends are non-smokers. Especially the girls. How the fuck did that happen?

So suddenly I'm conscious of not breathing near peoples faces and keeping my hands away from them. I never considered any of this over the last decade or so.

I'm not talking about the smoke itself because, well, I just don't care*. But do smokers really smell bad to you or is it just something you accept about someone?

I guess I don't really care. It's just been playing on my mind a bit lately.

*If you want justification: I don't drink but all my friends do. <insert Bill Hicks routine here>
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

hey, non-smokers

rayj wrote:I couldn't care less. When I don't like someone, and they smoke, they stink. When I like someone, and they are a smoker, I deal with it. There are much worse smelling things coming out of the average body than cigarette smoke...

...like the stench of failure. which i emit. so who am i to get all high and mighty around a smoker? oh, that's right, i'm nobody.

hey, non-smokers

Rotten Tanx wrote:So suddenly I'm conscious of not breathing near peoples faces and keeping my hands away from them.

That's good.

Do I think smokers stink in general? Eh, sometimes. Like right after they smoke? Definitely. Do I think it's really gross when they do? Absolutely. The worst is their house/car/kids. I usually hate really smokey bars, restaurants, and shows but I usually don't mind if I'm standing outside or an open car with someone when they smoke.

Sometimes I'll smoke when I'm real drunk, but even then it has to be outside and I have to wash my hands thoroughly after and quickly get the taste out of my mouth. One good thing about those goth-glam-hipster favored cigarettes. I guess another is the smoke from those don't smell like shit.
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


hey, non-smokers

Pure L wrote:I can't imagine a smoker getting much action from a non-smoker.

Well, if it involves contact from the neck up, anyway.

There's a reason our privates don't have noses, eh?

okay..i have been smoking for...let me see..15 years now and i know it's horrible blah blah... i'm addicted, what can i say? ANYWAY, as for non-smokers being 'put off', well, i've never had any problems where that's concerned. not that i'm particularly proud of it but, i'm just saying. i've also had, not what i would call action but, you know, i've 'seen' people who don't drink and people who know me, know i drink. so, frankly mr shankly....i don't feel that's a suitable argument to put across.

and another thing. i work in a non-smoking bar (in england, yes) and i like it. in fact, i hate the smell of smoke and i hate it when people come up, stinking of fags. and i can go for days without, sometimes i smoke 20 a day. perhaps i'm a binge smoker. i also am fully aware of the fact that it is most likely a finger thing..if i don't smoke, i snack. on crap. i feel much worse for eating shit that will make me fat than i do for smoking myself to death.

hmmmm, obesity or predisposed to being a smoker that may or may not suffer from a smoking related disease? the latter i think. i can easily cope without smoking around people who find it offensive to their health or just morally reprehensible. then again, i fucking hate breathing in fumes from cars but that would be a ridic argument right?

russel, why you do this? i read about smoking and i light up. i watch movie, someone lights up, i need to light up. damn.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

hey, non-smokers

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Rotten Tanx wrote:But do smokers really smell bad to you or is it just something you accept about someone?

Er, yes? I mean, either these things are not exclusive, or I don't know what you're asking.

I mean do you think "Ugh, I hate how you smell and don't want to be near you" or do you think "Hey, that's just how you smell. Lets go make pancakes!"

russel, why you do this? i read about smoking and i light up. i watch movie, someone lights up, i need to light up. damn.

Yeah, I lit a fag as soon as I started typing this thread.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

hey, non-smokers

Rotten Tanx wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Rotten Tanx wrote:But do smokers really smell bad to you or is it just something you accept about someone?

Er, yes? I mean, either these things are not exclusive, or I don't know what you're asking.

I mean do you think "Ugh, I hate how you smell and don't want to be near you" or do you think "Hey, that's just how you smell. Lets go make pancakes!"

russel, why you do this? i read about smoking and i light up. i watch movie, someone lights up, i need to light up. damn.

Yeah, I lit a fag as soon as I started typing this thread.

cunt. me smoke another fag. woo hoo!

you know the pub that was called the poachers pocket by me in the lickeys, at the roundabout? it's no smoking. jesus. that was the only thing that made that shitty pub bearable. now it's the hare and hounds if i want a nasty local brew and fuck that.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

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