
Total votes: 37 (90%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (10%)
Total votes: 41

Genre: screamo

my band also seem to play with these sorts of bands, some of them seem to have a huge sense of humour about it, there is one in particular then through some strange twist of fate they have a qualified electro-acoustic composer in the band (which may explain the joke).

Its the ones that take it oh so seriously that are the problem, they spend more time on their hair than on their arrangements,and seeing that as a genre there are so many things you could do with the songs, if you have three distorted instuments think of the harmonic hilarity they could be having?

No, its to impress chicks, and dumb-as-fuck-cosmo-girl reading chicks at that.

We played with this one band in oxford who described themselves as screamo, at this point I didnt really know what it was, I figured it would be like at the drive in or something. All their songs were about "being strong" "at one point not being strong but now they are strong" "coming back stronger" and "having strength", after we played their girlfriends told me I couldnt sing in tune, I asked them if they had heard of David Yow, they said no.

Case closed.

My pretty pony! Why, Zorak, why? You could have had any woman you wanted! But you chose the woman I love almost as much as I love myself! You ruined my life, you ruined her life, and now, I'm going to ruin your life!!!

Genre: screamo

kerble wrote:well somebody voted "Not Crap".

I'm hoping that wasn't me, but I did write not crap on my post based just on the fact of the existence of the band Envy, who piss all over anything else from this ilk from an enormous height. So it might well have been me. Sorry. I should have voted on the existence of the genre, not the band, if indeed I voted at all, which I may not have.


Oh no, hang on, it's giving me the option to vote, so it wasn't me!

Ignore this post.

Genre: screamo

I spent a good part of last summer with 3 friends; one of which listened to screamo almost exclusively, and the other two who generally liked it but (from what I gathered) knew little about it. If we were driving somewhere, my inner monologue became short, disjointed commercials that segmented one seemingly endless scream (accompanied by all of the cliche guitar work and the occasionally audible phrases that dealt with: alluding to suicide, fratricide, or homicide, blood, hearts, ripping, bleeding, chaos, disorder, the plight of wearing makeup and female pants). I was familiar with Screamo before this summer, due largely in part to the somewhat shitty local scene I've had to endure for the past few years, but hearing it for a good part of my summer forged an intimate hate between me and the genre.

My experience with Screamo before this past summer was tolerable because, though it was still horrendous music, I was not bound to listening to it by majority rule, I was always free to leave the venue whenever the initial humor of a mildly overweight 18 year old in tight jeans and makeup grew old, and there was absolutely no element of surprise. This type of "music" was now permitted to stalk me both in my friends apartment and in the car, taunting me with melodramatic drum intros and count off's that only led to a deluge of utter shit.

In short Screamo is, as a whole, a large, barely articulate, pseudo clever pile of shit. A scene for men with neckbeards, dyed hair, and feminine pants that do not fit them.

I will say, though, that the worst thing my friends subjected me to that summer was Nickelback, but that's for another time.

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