Guns 'n' Roses

Total votes: 81 (70%)
Total votes: 34 (30%)
Total votes: 115

Band: Guns n Roses

John C3 wrote:
Ivan Dobsky wrote:While I do bear an uncanny resemblence to Izzy and bizarrely
Duff "King Of Beers" McKagan also, you can actually clearly see me at
5m06sec in the top, left hand corner behind the girl with the big AXL flag.

Guns n Roses - Paradise City

Oh ye of little faith.


Incredible - I'd never noticed the resemblance before, but now you come to mention it... I must have caught you in the wrong light... i.e., it was on.

I'm looking forward to watching the video when I get home! Do you have metal hair in it?

I have you beat, I am in a Pantera video
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Band: Guns n Roses

Ivan Dobsky wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I have you beat, I am in a Pantera video

I see your Pantera and raise you Neds Atomic Dustbin.


Yipes, Neds Atomic Dustbin.
Ok, I will lay this fact on the table: one of the dudes in Carter the unstoppable sex machine is wearing my old band's T-shirt (that I gave him) in one of their videos.
This is gay on several levels...
1. The fact I somehow found myself in the same room as those dudes
2. The fact I even know that band exists
3. The fact I decided to give them T-shirts and records of my band
4. The fact I was excited to see the dude had worn it in his video
5. The fact I even watched one of their videos
6. The fact that several people told me that the only reason they came to see the band play or bought one of the records is because they saw the dude wearing the t shirt and thought we might sound similar to Carter USM
7. The fact those people usually didn't completely hate it when they heard what we actually did sound like
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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