As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I just remember wanting to be an adult, but have no recollection of wanting to have a specific career. This continued through high school and college. Starting in 7th grade or so, I wanted to be Eddie Van Halen. I guess in high school I wanted to be either Cheech or Chong, but didn't care which.

Now that I'm an adult and parent, still lacking any desire to be anything specific, I just want to be a kid. And I'm really glad I didn't get to be Eddie Van Halen. Have you seen that guy lately?
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Rimbaud III wrote:
MajorEverettMiller wrote:For career day in 9th grade, we had to give a presentation about whatever it was we wanted to be when we grew up.

I did a 10 minute long presentation on ninjas.

Got an "A".

My best friend did his presentation on Jedi Knights.

He got a "B".

You went to a special needs school, right?


It was a Catholic school.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

indiana jones, for a good while that lasted, i dug up so much of our woods area looking for treasure idols and pits of cobras. i lived in bruce WI, that stuff does not exist there.

then, i wanted to be a jedi. i was convinced a few years earlier by the tv show, mathew powerstar, that i has special powers. my special powers consisted of looking at a bright source of light and seeing sunspots that changed colors. this confused the hell out of my parents. i would see my powers and be muttering, "i see my powers and they are purple and now green." i would follow the drift of my "powers" with my finger and be trying to focus on what my powers were actually images of. this caused me to get the attention of every adult in the room. i was pretty little and they thought is was cute how focused i would get w/ my powers. so this led me to believe that i could be a jedi, that never panned out though.

a little while later on my first trip through milwaukee i saw the huge electrical sub stations. i then wanted to be electricity.

construction equipment always fascinates me, so when i didn't have interest in being electricity or using my powers i would watch the "diggers." i wanted to drive a digger so bad. my parents could leave me by the side of the road watching the machinery for hours if the wanted to, way better than the muppets.

after stints of selling nightcrawlers and lemonade at the end of our driveway, my parents bought me a a cassette boombox. this had the ability to record. i had a cassette tape with the song twist and shout performed by the beatles. i would use the cassette player in the car to play the music and then use my boombox to record the music and my voice over the music. this was great. my sister had a copy of tiffany covering "i think we're alone now" that she wanted to sing over. she had a speech impediment and could not remember the words. i think my parents saved the tapes and i will look for them when i go home next week.

the recording thing stuck though, even though later years of elementary school i toyed with the idea of being a professional wrestler for the wwf, a thirdbaseman for the a's, a trophy brook trout fisherman, and that's about it.

junior high school wanted to be a professional skateboarber, snowboarder, artist, playing a bass guitar, or just being a punk all the time.

in high school that is what i wanted as well, but with girls around all the time and no groups of dudes fucking w/ me. bought a four track at 16 and that is about that, had small stints in produce departments, and higher education, working the door, bar, sound at clubs and on the road. right now i am video and audio taping a workshop as contract work. i will be in my studio all weekend and if i did not have the internet today, it would be a long day.

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