As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Age 8

I wanted to live in a giant capsule type house under the sea and be some sort of Han Solo/Indiana Jones/Spiderman type guy who swam around fighting evil doers and beasts of the deep...oh and figuring sciencey type things out about the Marianas Trench and yet to be discovered creatures. I didn't want to be doing this alone however, I would have my buxom female companion at my side. I thought we would "do it" surrounded by the mysteries of the deep safely tucked away in our glass capsule at the bottom of the ocean....even though I didn't totally understand what "doing it" entailed.....something about lots of thrusting, sweat, and making funny noises. Hmm I guess I wasn't too far off on that one.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

DrAwkward wrote:
hiredgeek wrote: i was convinced a few years earlier by the tv show, mathew powerstar, that i has special powers.

Damn, not many people remember The Powers of Matthew Star. Salut!

i only saw the show like twice, hence the name being all wrong, i remember a kid in quicksand and mathew saving him with his powers...

thanks for the link!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

My earliest desires seemed to come from bad Ninja movies of the 1980's. American Ninja and things of this variety. I honestly and truly believed, as only a 1st-3rd grader could that this was a valid line of work. We had a weird head/kung-fu type shop in town that would be my favorite place on earth to visit which stocked full "authentic" ninja outfits, right down to the booties and and all that jazz. Friends and I would master the art of making paper "chinese stars", and concoct highly stylized fantasy scenarios while at recess involving broken tree branches or wiffle ball bats as swords all the while with our nike wind breaker hoods suffocating our lil faces to look the part.

A few years on, I discovered skateboarding during the great "Bones Brigade" era, and decided in 5th grade that I would in fact be a professional skateboarder, skinned knees and a terrible fear of pain be damned. I figured out how to ollie fair enough, but the desire deflated slowly as I learned that I was too scared to get "serious" with this type of tom-foolery and quickly switched to heavy metal music upon my inabilities to land "kick flips".

I wanted to join Iron Maiden, or at least have a band that was similar, and in the 6th grade recorded with a good friend to this day, our first album, "Permanant (sic) Rage", CT's finest a cappella heavy metal group. All analog, all realistic boombox.

Now I sit in a cube in some office, wishing I had one of them exploding smoke thingies ninjas would through and use to escape, to fight another day.
joesepi wrote:This has nothing to do with our impending doom. I just love dirt bikes.

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