" Spiderland" in Boston

will wrote:
Troy Gahooty wrote:Were Slint really fifteen when recorded "Tweez" ?

I'd say they were probably about 11 that album was terrible, a classic example of young, self absorbed teenagers trying way too hard.

However, Spiderland is my favorite album of all time, and changed my whole outlook on music forever. I can't listen to it too much, because it makes all my other music seem so average.
goodnight my love
remember me as you fall to sleep
fill your pockets with the dust and the memories
that rises from the shoes on my feet

" Spiderland" in Boston

charlie wrote:I'd say they were probably about 11 that album was terrible, a classic example of young, self absorbed teenagers trying way too hard.

Strange you feel that way...Tweeze is on my all-time top 5 list of records. I don't know how many times I have listened to it end on end, studying the drum parts in particular. That album had a major influence on me learning to play the drums.

As for Spiderland, it is great as well, but it lacked the raw energy of the '11 year olds' trying as hard as they could. Tweeze had much more personality and originality, and the self-absorbed teenager attitude is what made it so great.

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