Is this show any good??

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 26 (90%)
Total votes: 29

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

warmowski wrote:And what is her name, the cylon w/the blonde ringlets? OMG. SO hot.

Her name is Six and she's a pretty incredible actress with wide range considering that this is her first real role. She has been a Victoria's Secret model and that's about it. I heard that casting took a chance with her and it totally paid off.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

John W. wrote:Hey stinky, I didn't have any heat this morning. I'm deducting it from my rent!

You deduct heat from rent? I no geeve sheet. I only want money rent. Not heat rent. Eet warm enough outside, pussyguy.

Meh, you are the one who eese steenky. I noteece you no use laundry machine 5 weeks. What thee fahg, guy!?!? You need change, I have. Asshole!
Asshole!!! Meh.

R.F.F. wrote:The landlord almost always wins.

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