Drug: LSD. Crap Or Not Crap?

I've done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 13 (10%)
I've never done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
I've done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 80 (61%)
I've never done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
Total votes: 131

Drug: LSD

I loved it, so many great stories and adventures. We used to treat it with reverence, making sure we had things to do, places to go, fizzy things to eat. The acid was the night - it even managed to make Balsall Heath a beautiful and exciting place.

Then I discovered the sheer force of shits and giggles enjoyment available if you took your dots/tabs after 5 or 6 pints.

I miss all that so very much, but it's been 10 years since and I'll not be doing it again.

wf for having to endure dickend stories about conversing with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck from people who've clearly never taken it.

and for the panic engendered by being questioned by the filth on the first night I ever took it

and for the grinding come-down

and for my one bad trip, which was nerve-jangling.
ginger in my hands

Drug: LSD

eephour wrote:not crap, just for some of the most purest laughter i've ever experienced.
About 6 years ago my old roommate and myself were dosing and watching some National Geographic documentary about the deeps of the ocean. At some point in the movie where they were showing the ocean floor, I blurt out "I think I just saw a body!" We had to re-watch the movie because we missed about 20 minutes of it from laughing too much.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Drug: LSD

One morning after dosing all night, I thought I was wrapping things up in la la land, but then I went to the grocery store -- the produce looked really weird and then I started hearing a sound like crackling Rice Krispies in my ear. This sound continued for the rest of the entire day and on into the night.


I don't think I ever did it again after that.

Still I'm glad I did it a few times. Don't think I could handle it too well now.

Drug: LSD

Most definitely not crap. If not for a lot of LSD trips (along with quite a few magic mushroom and E experiences) I'd probably still be the brainwashed Mormon that I was growing up. I've certainly had my share of hellishness during various trips, but it was, and still occasionally continues to be, an indispensable part of becoming the critically aware person I am today. Other than other psychedelics, I don't think anything can make one question absolutely everything about oneself, the world - reality itself really - like LSD can. Listening to and playing music while tripping too - such very good times. I'm sure permanent hearing loss resulted, but what joy it was being 19 and discovering while tripping what a magical combination guitar feedback and analog delay pedals could be...

If you haven't done it I definitely think you should

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