Best poster

I just wanted to say that I think I am the best all-around poster. There might be some posters who are more skilled in terms of sarcastic ability or posting technique, but I manage to do several posting styles really well, making me the best poster. I have yet to see another poster who is as good as me. I sincerely believe that I can out-post any other poster on this forum. I strongly urge you to not to challenge my posting skills, because you will simply lose. I start the best threads and I write the best replies in existing threads. To make a short story long: I am the best.

Best poster

You are a pest. You may be a troll. You live in California. I know who you are. You gave herpes to one of my ex-girlfriends. She told me all about how you cried after you realised that you had herpes in the first place. I know, she is totally stupid for sleeping with you, but man, your infection knows no boundries!!! She was saying that all you kept saying was that you wanted to call her "Mommy" or "the Pope"!!!! Thats a little strange!
So, on that note, they do make some medicine that can help supress the outbreaks, and please, in the future, use a condom. There is no shame in being honest with a potential sexual partner.
Second, you are far, far from being the best poster. Your posts have absolutely no points, are written in large, coloured letters, like in grade school, and most of them are just quotes taken from somewhere else.
Finally, you post all this stuff about "tube-" this and "tube-" that. Who here needs you to tell them how "warm, yet punchy" some console that has 47 tubes per channel sounds? No-one, I'd be willing to say. It's not like there aren't any people here that record music (make records) for a *living*, unlike yourself, who most likely has a computer with a free version of Cubase on it, and calls himself a "Recording Engineer." You and that Diamond Dave have alot...ALOT in common.
I hope that you think that you are a bunch more witty than me and respond to this post, but now that I've said something thats been on my mind since you joined, I can ignore any half-assed response that you may (or may not) conjure up.

Daniel F. Herman, Esquire.

Best poster

Humphrey Bear wrote:I just wanted to say that I think I am the best all-around poster. There might be some posters who are more skilled in terms of sarcastic ability or posting technique, but I manage to do several posting styles really well, making me the best poster. I have yet to see another poster who is as good as me. I sincerely believe that I can out-post any other poster on this forum. I strongly urge you to not to challenge my posting skills, because you will simply lose. I start the best threads and I write the best replies in existing threads. To make a short story long: I am the best.


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