powermac G4 MDD system disk

an off the shelf 9.2 CD doesn't work.

[...], i need the original disk that came with the machine to make the hardware work correctly in os9.

what hardware?

you should be able to take any mac os 9.2 (as long as its 9.2.*2*) cd to install mac os 9.2.2 on a MDD.
as long as its not a FW800 MDD or a mac with a Ultra ATA-100 Bus which is only supported by the mac os 9 system cd that came with the computer.

does the mac os 9 cd you have show up in the startup disk control panel?

check this, it will help you!
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? ... 0061154876

good luck,
"All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff." - Frank Zappa

powermac G4 MDD system disk

Couldn't you just wipe the whole HD and then make 2 partitions?

One for os 9 and one for os 10? (Assuming you want an os10 partition, that is.....)

There is no os 9.2 disk.....only 9.1 (I think) and the rest is just upgrades. Maybe only 9.0?

Your situation sounds strange to me. I think you must be in os 10 and if that's the case you'll have to wipe the drive clean and install both os's at the same time.

After the disk has been wiped you could put whatever you wanted on it. The os 9 disk shouldn't be "model-specific".

Back up your documents, etc. and wipe that thing. (Line up your os disks first, of course).

powermac G4 MDD system disk

Pure L wrote:Couldn't you just wipe the whole HD and then make 2 partitions?

One for os 9 and one for os 10? (Assuming you want an os10 partition, that is.....)

There is no os 9.2 disk.....only 9.1 (I think) and the rest is just upgrades. Maybe only 9.0?

Your situation sounds strange to me. I think you must be in os 10 and if that's the case you'll have to wipe the drive clean and install both os's at the same time.

After the disk has been wiped you could put whatever you wanted on it. The os 9 disk shouldn't be "model-specific".

Back up your documents, etc. and wipe that thing. (Line up your os disks first, of course).

you can install any or both on one partition at any point. they dont interfere with one another, they in fact are designed to be installed side by side, as long as you tick the 'install os9 driver' box when you formatted originally.
yes, there are 9.2 disks. later models shipped with them. the model in question, for example.
i have used macintosh and macos since system 6 and have followed the upgrade path since then. believe me, i know what i am doing. my situation ins't strange at all.
yes, after the blue and white g3 models, the machines shipped with model-specific disk on occasion. a store bought copy of the os purchased after your model came out would have all the necessary drivers (extensions) on it. but there was no general release after this model, which was the last one to run os9. hence my dilemma. some of the hardware in this machine will not work without that particular system CD, trust me i have done my homework before posting on this subject. thanks for your attention however.

here we are again: I need that disk as I have software which only runs natively in os9. a member thinks he might have a CD, but he can't find it currently. anyone else?


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