Drug: LSD. Crap Or Not Crap?

I've done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 13 (10%)
I've never done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
I've done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 80 (61%)
I've never done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
Total votes: 131

Drug: LSD

Marsupialized wrote:I don't really trust anyone who's never done acid ever. You have to try it at least once to really know what's up with this whole life thing, in general.
I can't imagine getting back into drugs again but acid was usually a hoot

I don't think the fact that I have never done acid makes me untrustworthy. I've been through enough fucked up shit in my life at an early age to know "what's up" with life, thank you very much.

Drug: LSD

tipcat wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I don't really trust anyone who's never done acid ever. You have to try it at least once to really know what's up with this whole life thing, in general.
I can't imagine getting back into drugs again but acid was usually a hoot

I don't think the fact that I have never done acid makes me untrustworthy. I've been through enough fucked up shit in my life at an early age to know "what's up" with life, thank you very much.

Yes, but having experienced a fair bit of fucked up shit both tripping and not, I think I can say truthfully that there is NO way to comprehend the level of mental instrospection that one goes through on a potent psychedelic voyage without having done it. If done too much it, especially by certain mentally vulnerable people (a la Charles Manson), can lead to its own delusions, but there's nothing like that feeling of seriously questioning the truth of everything you thought you knew having had your ego smashed to pieces. to be slowly re-assembled. I wouldn't not trust you, but I would certainly have doubts about the self-honestly of anyone who has chosen not to at least try such an experience once barring serious doubts as to their ability to safely handle it. And if the latter, then that would undoubtedly provide its own doubts.

I honestly think the world would be a hell of a lot better of a place if we could rationally integrate psychedelic usage into our societies as the Greeks (though obviously much more equitably than they) did with the Eleusinian Mysteries (among others) and as Aldous Huxley described in his utopian (and final novel) counterpart to his earlier dystopian novel Brave New World, Island.

Drug: LSD

You know what, Incornsyucopia? Shut the fuck up.

Who are you to judge the "self-honesty" of someone who has made a personal choice not to drop acid? You picked the wrong person, bud. I've studied philosophy for 20-odd years, and if that isn't an endeavor that is engaged in "questioning the truth of everything you thought you knew having had your ego smashed to pieces. to be slowly re-assembled," then I don't know what is.

You're a pretentious, judgmental ass.

Drug: LSD

When you take acid, you're on drugs.

You're on drugs.

Whatever you think and feel on acid, it's influenced by the fact that you're on drugs.

It has very little to do with reality. That's what is nice about it.

But I think it's massively wrong to confuse the way things seem on LSD with the real world. Just as it's wrong to confuse the Mormon universe with the real universe.

I have enjoyed psychedelics, and I am glad I took them when I did. I have also found them to be uniquely unsettling at times. I would not recommend them to anyone who has misgivings about taking them.

Put it this way: on LSD, riding a bike is a magnificent experience. But so is hearing "The Reflex" on the radio while driving a Tercel very slowly around a parking lot. I don't think it's a very reliable frame of reference.

Drug: LSD

tmidgett wrote:Put it this way: on LSD, riding a bike is a magnificent experience. But so is hearing "The Reflex" on the radio while driving a Tercel very slowly around a parking lot. I don't think it's a very reliable frame of reference.

In fact, I happen to own such a vehicle. The next time I am feeling untrue to myself for not having dropped acid, I will try this! Salut, Simon Le Bon!

Drug: LSD

tmidgett wrote:I have enjoyed psychedelics, and I am glad I took them when I did. I have also found them to be uniquely unsettling at times.

Your experiences couldn't really have been "uniquely unsettling."

You were on drugs.

I can't take as dismissive a view of the whole thing as tmidgett. But when Marsupialized tells you that you are missing the key to life if you haven't done acid, you should consider the source.

Unlike you other gimps, I would take acid again if any could be found.


Drug: LSD

tmidgett wrote:

Put it this way: on LSD, riding a bike is a magnificent experience. But so is hearing "The Reflex" on the radio while driving a Tercel very slowly around a parking lot. I don't think it's a very reliable frame of reference.

ha ha.

so true.

well put.

Some people don't need "mind-expanding" drugs. Many of these people had "mind-expanding trips" they didn't ask for at young ages.

Makes "reality" that much friendly and/or hostile, depending on one's perspective. LSD is just a drug that has the power to make "the reflex" seem a-ok. Now that's a drug!

Drug: LSD

Angus Jung wrote:
tmidgett wrote:I have enjoyed psychedelics, and I am glad I took them when I did. I have also found them to be uniquely unsettling at times.

Your experiences couldn't really have been "uniquely unsettling."

You were on drugs.

To clarify:

I don't mean my experience was unique--I think the 'bad trip' has many universal elements.

I mean that there's a particular sense of 'looking into the void' that can provided by an unfortunate psychedelic experience, and that I didn't find that aspect of them to be at all instructive.

I can't take as dismissive a view of the whole thing as tmidgett. But when Marsupialized tells you that you are missing the key to life if you haven't done acid, you should consider the source.

Unlike you other gimps, I would take acid again if any could be found.


I am really not dismissive of psychedelics. I won't rule out doing some again at some point. I just think they should be kept in perspective, and I would never recommend someone try them. I wouldn't necessarily recommend the average person avoid them, either.

Drug: LSD

tmidgett wrote:I am really not dismissive of psychedelics. I won't rule out doing some again at some point.

We should definitely 'fry' some time.

You've got 8 or 9 totally idle hours to spend on it, yeah?

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