
Total votes: 11 (21%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 41 (79%)
Total votes: 52

Band: Mastodon

I just saw them at Webster Hall (is it just me or is the sound in that venue always complete shit?). While I like Mastodon just fine, I cannot stand their drummer.

Yes, he has "chops." But his drumming is like a purple-sequined coat wrapped around a disco ball. Wait, I take that back. It sounds as if I'm condemning "busy" drummers which is not the case (Jim White is a "busy" drummer but also creative as fuck). It's that he does the same fucking thing each time all the time. So ridiculously busy and flashy yet ALWAYS the same fucking fill. Always. Roll across those toms, boy howdy...

Mastodon, you are NOT CRAP but a significant WF for probably the most overrated drummer that I can think of at the moment.

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