As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

i wanted to be a tropical fish breeder (done that at age 12, lost interest real quick- although I made some good cash for a 12 year old selling cichlids to the local pet store)

an artist (doing it in my spare time, never made a penny off of it though..)

a teacher, which I did well for 5 years until I had enough. my last year I taught art in two ghetto schools, both of which had emotionally disturbed kids. it was pretty stressful. hence my name, mr.arrison.

i've always loved playing music, but never really wanted to learn the "proper" way to play guitar, drums, bass, piano, etc. + I have only a tiny desire to be in a touring rock band at age 33. i wouldn't say i ever wanted to "be" a musician by trade.

at some point in sixth grade I wanted to be a computer programmer. now I work in IT management, so there's a stretch that I could be doing what I wanted to do in 6th grade.

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