Please educate me...

So, I want to start building my own effects but have very little know how when it comes to electrcal stuff...Can anyone suggest any kind of 'FX building for idiots' type books that would give me basic information about how to read schematics properly and what sorts of components to use?

I've decided to start simply by trying out one of the Dan Armstrong pedals that has no controls or anything, probably a blue clipper. I found the layout and parts list on and they sell PCBs too so I thought I'd use one of them...but looking at ordering resistors and caps etc. I realised I don;t have a clue what sorts I need (the parts list only gives the resistance/capacitance value needed) basically any kind of book/website whatever that would tell me stuff like that would be awesome...

Thanks a lot
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Please educate me...

I second the craig anderton book, although I never actually built anything out of there successfully. But it has really good construction info. For more insight into what exactly it is you're doing (if you intend to go on to design) I recommend G. Randy Sloan's book on electronics, forgot the name but it's like intro to electronics or something.

Please educate me...

MrFood wrote:what is 'breadboarding'?

It is circuit prototyping board where you just press in the components (no solder).

can you just pick up these various caps and resistors from like, maplins?

Yes, but they can be a bit crap for having any stock, and they know shit. Try Rapid, RS and Farnell online which will be cheaper and better. Alternatively, a local independent shop tends to be best in my opinion.

why do the instructions not include the various off-board elements which are needed in an FX pedal?

These are often fairly standard. Metalwork with electrnics projects is always the worst part though in my opinion.

is there any alternative to buying the PCBs?

Yes, stripboard is quite good. Search for it. It's generally for prototyping and is a little like a cross between a breadboard and a real soldered PCB.

what solder iron should i get?

In the UK, Antex are good. Try for between 12W and 20W. Something like 15W or 18W should be easy to get in Maplins.

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