Ty Webb wrote:Behavioral problems can be overcome 99% of time. It's not easy, but it can be done.
If you're stuck with the 20-lb limit, you really are in a tight spot. Try looking for small-breed rescue groups nearby. They take in purebred pups that others didn't want or couldn't keep for one reason or another.
I just urge people to rescue unwanted dog at every opportunity because their fates are so grim otherwise. Save your money for obedience training if needed.
And don't get me started on the big dog in a small apartment thing. It's such a load of bullshit. As long as the dog gets out and gets enough exercise, it doesn't give a shit how big the apartment is. Dogs have a strong den instinct and are perfectly happy spending most of their time in relatively small spaces as long as they're sufficiently exercised. But I realize that rule is out of your hands.
I think having a big dog in a small apartment is cruel. They have a den instinct, but they should not be in a crate or small apartment for more than 6 hours at a time, according to dog experts. It's better than putting the dog to sleep, but not humane in any way. For me, it is against my HOA regulations. If I get a dog bigger than 20 pounds, I will need to give it up... Most urban condominiums have these restrictions, not only for the sake of the animal, but for the sake of the neighbors. A toy dog can love you just as much or even more (in the case of Chihuhuas) than a large slobbery golden retriever. One of my mom's friends owned a golden retriever, which she loved, but said it would just go off with whoever had a neater frisbee. No one will love you more than your Chihuahua... Not your mommy or daddy or grandpappy. Your Chihuahua will fight to its death to defend you, if it needs to... If I had a huge house with a large yard, I would still want a Chihuahua. I love their saucy expression and they way they carry themselves so confidently... I like lap dogs, but I don't like fluffy toy dogs (like Yorkies or Maltese). In other words, I like a specific breed of dog, and not all dogs. I find many dogs to be obnoxious, stupid looking, or downright dangerous. Why is it that the most careless people tend to get pit bulls? People so damn careless, they can't even remember to shut their damn fence gate and I go for a run and the thing is chasing me and the owner calls it off...
Big dog = big dog poop.
Another thing is that dogs have instinctual "working behaviors". Terriers are good watch dogs, kill small pests, etc. Huskies pull sleds. Douchehunds like to dig. Retreivers will fetch. A coyote/dog hybrid will dig a hole in the yard and lay in it on a hot day. You don't know what sort of instinctual behavior some dogs have, and you will not train this out of the dog completely.
I read my book on Chihuahuas, and the sad thing is that puppy mills are churning out really poorly bred Chihuhuas. And unfortunately, it is tough to find out the pedigree of the Chi when it's adopted. The temperment of the animal is really poor if it is from a puppy mill. Not only because they bred the animal solely to look like Gidget or Tinkerbell (the famous fawn colored short coat chihuahuas), but also because they get no human contact in the puppy mills. For Chihuahuas, this is what makes them so clingy and ill tempered around people other than their owner -- during their formative years, they had little contact with humans. Yes, you can overcome some of these issues, but the health of the animal based on poor breeding cannot be overcome... For Chis, socialization with people, from 12 weeks old to 1 year old, is crucial for having a pet that is not suspicious of everyone but its owner. You will never get a Chi that is friendly unless it is socialized at a young age. You can overcome some of this, but not 99%. At best, it will warm up to people after a few minutes, if they give it a treat and make it clear that they are not a threat to the owner... (the book I got on Chis has wonderful advice on how to train them, stuff I just did not know. I suggest anyone thinking of getting a dog, read a book on the breed, and how to train dogs. It is not intuitive, and you can never ever punish your dog).
Every dog I have seen up for adoption is a Gidget or Tinkerbell clone. When I look at what AKC or CKC registered breeders are selling, their dogs are much more diverse. Why punish these breeders for doing the right thing?
Another matter is that show dogs (or registerable dogs that come close to the standard) are healthier. Most of the standard for a Chihuahua is based on health, and not how pretty it is. I did not know this. I thought dog shows were crap, but the characteristics of the standard are based on health. For example, a female Chi is supposed to be longer than a male, so it can give birth to pups without a c-section. It's tale must be in one of three positions, but not tucked under it's hind section. That indicates a sick or ill tempered dog. It's legs must be in a certain form, so it won't develop leg problems. It's teeth must have a scissor-bite, so they don't wear down or they don't have problems with eating as they get older. Knowing this, I have realized a lot of the Chis up for adoption are not healthy. Sometimes you can get a good one that is being given away because someone is moving to a place that does not allow dogs. But this is rare. Mostly it's people sick of their yappy, ill tempered, sick puppy mill dog, and they want to wipe their dog booger on someone else's sleeve. I'd rather not have a dog than have a sick and ill tempered dog.
Some of the standard is not based on health. For example, a Chi that has floppy ears (as opposed to perk ears) will not win a show, but will be a fine pet. I would be happy with a Chi that didn't have perk ears. Also, they must weigh below 6 lbs. But I would be happy with bigger one. I am not looking to show the dog, but most show dog traits are based on health.
If you are concerned about what puppy mills are doing, then write to your representative about the PAWS legislation.
If the puppy mills are shut down, people will have better pets and will hold on to them. Sure, there will be the occasional idiot that doesn't spay/neuter their pet, and has a litter that they have to give up. But so many of these sick and ill tempered dogs are bred by people who are only in it for the money. Don't ever buy a dog at a pet store. That is just crazy...