abcgroupdocumentation wrote:Anyone who needs copies of the Big'n Cutthroat record (new) on LP let me know. i can get a bunch of them. I can send them out for $10-12 ppd.
I would like one of those LPs.
swayze wrote:i never said i wouldn't do a big'n reunion. i'd love to take big'n to europe for a couple of weeks. the records apparently got around a bit more over there than here. a chicago show would be a great start. any ideas for a good show line-up/venue? we're all back in the chicagoland area, so it only makes sense to have a little fun for an evening. also, i'd love to find a copy of "Cutthroat" as well.
wrig wrote:Big'n are playing in Chicago at the Empty Bottle on December 15th. Anyone know more details than this?
BadComrade wrote:If anyone's looking for a copy of the Big'N 7" Godawful, there's one on ebay right now. I think they only made something like 200 of those bitches, so I thought some of you guys might wanna know about it.
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