tmidgett wrote:
Has anyone else allowed themselves to be dragged along to some awful gig, just for a quiet life?

indigo girls, with my sister

michelle malone opened. she wasn't bad. i saw her (again with my sister) at a bar in chicago as well, and she was pretty good. nice, rough voice.

the indigo girls are fucking terrible. 'closer to fine' is ok, and sara lee was playing bass, which was nice. but the music was in general very, very bad. pompous in that condescending, white-person folky way that i fucking hate. the 'rockin' parts were pure wimp and even worse than the rest of it.

i sat through the entire show. i couldn't bring myself to stand up. i was the dick who sat through the entire indigo girls performance.

they totally destroyed some bob dylan song. i have a black space in my mind where the title should be stored. it was the inverse of hendrix's 'all along the watchtower' as dylan covers go.

it was like watching a lesbian version of the eagles with worse songs

but my sister liked it, and that's what counts!

a friend of mine saw blues traveler with his cousin and had the same kind of experience, right down to the sitting throughout.

Same story (Indigo girls), but with my girlfirend. Except, I got her the tickets (for her birthday) and dragged myself to it. We were 3rd row for an all acoustic set w/o any band. Very painful, but less painful than I had imagined it would be, until the second hour.

In fact, I dragged myself to another painful concert with her for one of her other birthdays. Two years ago it was Tori Amos. Im a trooper for love.

She likes good bands too though. Ironically one of them is silkworm.

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording


Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
alexdamon wrote:i was suckered into seeing "new found glory" and "saves the day"

Now THAT is painful. Holy Christ.

my old band actually played with new found glory once. not only were they painful, they were real assholes...

i've never been dragged to a bad show by a lady. probably cuz they would know that i'd complain the the whole time and make the experience awful for everybody near us.

LingLing - www.myspace.com/linglingchicago


Phil Collins' Genesis... the one with the shapes on the cover

Phil Collins' Genesis isn't bad, up to (and including) 1981. A lot of people say that when Peter Gabriel left, they sucked. No way. "A Trick of the Tail" is my favorite Genesis, and it's without Peter Gabriel. Tony Banks wrote most of the music anyway. They got bad because they got old and maybe greedy.

I think all Genesis should probably be called Tony Banks' Genesis, because he wrote most of the music. His solo career never really became that commercially successful.

I think the one with the shapes on the cover is "Genesis" (self-titled). The one with "Mama" and that crap. Stuff like that was why I didn't really listen to Genesis until a few years ago.

If you like old Genesis, go see "The Musical Box" if you get a chance. They're these French-Cannucks who do a perfect performance of 72-75 era Genesis. PERFECT. They even use the same slides, the same "sitar" guitar on "I know what I like (in your wardrobe)", and the same Rickenbacher bass/12 string that Mike Rutherford used. Former Genesis members consulted on their project to make it authentic...

Oh... I've gone to a bunch of "world music" techno dance things with a girl who wasn't a girlfriend, but at one time wanted to be mine... I'm just not attracted to her. For the type of music, it wasn't bad. Being a drummer, I just don't like drum machine music. Everything is in 4/4 time so people can dance. The kick is on every 1/4 note. It seems like a good place to meet women, though. Indie rock shows are maybe 25% female. Prog rock shows are maybe 3% female... Those rave-tronic shows are 60% female. Chicks love to dance... go figure.


I dated a semi-hippy for 2 years. She lured me in with a scattering of metal CDs in her collection. After we moved in together, I discovered she listened to literally nothing but Moe, Phish, and....goddammit...Dave Matthews Band.

Being a good boyfriend, I bought her a Dave Matthews DVD. What a moron. Guess what was playing every single goddamn day for months when I got home from work?

This is just a sample of the shows to which I took her because they made her happy:

Dave Matthews Band
The Further Fest (words cannot describe the hell of this experience; thank baby jesus for drugs)
Barenaked Ladies
Phish (general admission)

Then she ran off with some old friend of hers. AWFUL CUNT!
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture


Hmm let's see. I went to an Ani Difranco show. Ani Difranco is not a bad guitarist. It was alright....BUT her opening act was a duo called Bitch and Animal.....ehh not so good! I just remember some song about a favorite dildo or something. http://www.righteousbabe.com/artists/banda/index.asp

The same girlfriend also submitted me to the torture of a homemade live Barry Manilow video tape which was taken at a concert she attended. She got picked to go up on stage and sing some super sappy (pick one?) tune with "the Manster" himself. She was so proud. I was appalled. I seriously tried, but never could look past this personality glitch of hers... her love for Manilow. ugh.

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