worst band names

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:SHeDAISY.

In my current day-to-day existence, I can honestly say that I have very little to nothing to be upset or pissed off about.

Depressed? Maybe. But angry? Upset? No.

But this SHeDAISY. All I have to do is think of, and/or say this "word."

It is uncanny!

worst band names

Barbo wrote:Mephiskaphales



...can we pretty much discredit all pun-based names and move on?
also, the "Bumble Bee Tuna" song is sort of a guilty pleasure of mine.

(not crap)

also, i always thought Sound Garden and Savage Garden had horribly, horribly inappropriate names relative to their respective styles of music. this is to say nothing of the quality of said music, as i would very much like to see Savage Garden also thrown into a cage-ed pit of starving feral pigs, especially if "Truly Madly Deeply" was playing (yes, i had to look up the title of that song). perhaps "Man in the Box" would be more clever in this regard, but i feel that "Truly Madly Deeply" would be... it would be almost beautiful.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

worst band names

also, i may have already mentioned this in this thread, but being too lazy to go back and look for it, i'll go ahead and mention it again.

i created a fake band over the summer called Bismuth (a la "the heaviest of the heavy metals"). we were billed as a three-person band, but i played all the instruments. if anyone is curious, we actually recorded and released a record. it's on sale at Earwax in Milwaukee and Madison.

i still love that name. Bismuth.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

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