My grandmother squeezed my hand today. It's the most she can do this week. Nina, you are 93 years old. I was born on your 65th birthday and this morning I noticed we are currently sporting similar hair, kind of a mess. You outlived three husbands, each of whom you loved. You have a grade 8 education but read like a bibliophile. You believe in God and Heaven, which is nice for you. Go where your lungs won't be full of fluid, and may the best man win.
And salut Pure L (?), forum member who works in a nursing home. You people are incredible.
Little details from your day
802burun wrote:Simmo, you finished your record, and I decided to do that National Solo Album Month thing again, so now I am "obligated" to finish a whole record in 27 days.
I've done it before, but this time might be difficult, time-wise.
fuck. I wish I'd known. and it's too late to sign up. maybe I'll just do it anyway.
kerble is right.
Little details from your day
803Andrew L. wrote:My grandmother squeezed my hand today. It's the most she can do this week. Nina, you are 93 years old. I was born on your 65th birthday and this morning I noticed we are currently sporting similar hair, kind of a mess. You outlived three husbands, each of whom you loved. You have a grade 8 education but read like a bibliophile. You believe in God and Heaven, which is nice for you. Go where your lungs won't be full of fluid, and may the best man win.
And salut Pure L (?), forum member who works in a nursing home. You people are incredible.
Salut, Grandmother Nina, for such a long life!
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.
Little details from your day
804My wonderful girlfriend totally twisted her ankle walking to work from my place this morning and I had to go to Gotan Project by myself... they weren't 10% as much fun as the last time I saw them... no Tango dancers.
Little details from your day
805Andrew L. wrote:My grandmother squeezed my hand today. It's the most she can do this week. Nina, you are 93 years old. I was born on your 65th birthday and this morning I noticed we are currently sporting similar hair, kind of a mess. You outlived three husbands, each of whom you loved. You have a grade 8 education but read like a bibliophile. You believe in God and Heaven, which is nice for you. Go where your lungs won't be full of fluid, and may the best man win.
And salut Pure L (?), forum member who works in a nursing home. You people are incredible.
Thanks for the kind words, Andrew L.
My place of employment isn't a nursing home, per se. It's an Adult Family Home which is a bit different as we don't take people who are "really far gone" (my search for a better term failed me. It's Friday, my apologies). To be there, they must be ambulatory, continent, and relatively "with it" (there it is again...), etc. When they get too far out, we ship 'em off to the nursing home. Those workers, yes, they are good people......well, most of 'em, anyway.
The lady who died at the house yesterday was the exception to the rule. To be totally honest, I didn't want her there and let that be known to the house owners. However, since we already had one open bed, they let her stay as the house can't stay afloat with 2.
This dying business though. She is for the birds. The older I get the more I realize that grief is an emotion that should be saved for those who "really matter" in one's life.
Pure L.....he is like an emotional prostitue sometimes. Pay him the moneys, and he involves himself with the grief. This paid-for-grief, she makes Pure L old and jaded.
Good news though! I am now learning of the C# and Perl programming languages. I hope the future holds less of the fleshs and bloods for Pure L. She is too sad and Pure L........he is getting tired.
This job was good when my band toured more. Not so much today.
Salut, Andrew L and Nina!! The land of fluid-less lungs must be a good place. I've seen many go there.
Little details from your day
806Pure L, you have the decency in abundance.
And the decency, she is not to be underestimated.
And the decency, she is not to be underestimated.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...
Little details from your day
807kerble wrote:burun wrote:Simmo, you finished your record, and I decided to do that National Solo Album Month thing again, so now I am "obligated" to finish a whole record in 27 days.
I've done it before, but this time might be difficult, time-wise.
fuck. I wish I'd known. and it's too late to sign up. maybe I'll just do it anyway.
Not too late to sign up.
Little details from your day
808Had friends round for dinner last night, we all got a little carried away with the novelty of adult company (they have a young family too) and consequently am suffering from the mother and step-father of all hang-overs.
Realising that nothing of this planet could do anything to promote the down-sizing of my headache, I took the unusually altruistic decision to allow Mrs CR a morning in bed while i took the kids for a wander.
The morning was clear, sunny, beautiful and painful. The morning would have been painful regardless of the it's clarity, beauty and sunniness I guess.
On our walk we encountered one of my daughter's friend's dads juggling fire whilst balancing on a plank which was in turn balancing on a large tube.
We also encountered a man busking with a full sized piano. How this busker moves this full sized piano from pitch to pitch I have no idea, but it was pretty fucking cool.
Then we sat on a bench by the mariner and fed the swans.
I was right though, my hangover is in no way lessened.
Realising that nothing of this planet could do anything to promote the down-sizing of my headache, I took the unusually altruistic decision to allow Mrs CR a morning in bed while i took the kids for a wander.
The morning was clear, sunny, beautiful and painful. The morning would have been painful regardless of the it's clarity, beauty and sunniness I guess.
On our walk we encountered one of my daughter's friend's dads juggling fire whilst balancing on a plank which was in turn balancing on a large tube.
We also encountered a man busking with a full sized piano. How this busker moves this full sized piano from pitch to pitch I have no idea, but it was pretty fucking cool.
Then we sat on a bench by the mariner and fed the swans.
I was right though, my hangover is in no way lessened.
Little details from your day
809Tomorrow night is Guy Fawke's Night in Britain, and the fireworks are in full swing. Last night I went to the council-organised display in the local park - one of about six in the various parks around Leeds. There was a huge bonfire, an organised fireworks display, and a bunch of uninvited hippy drummers who could have fucked off as far I was concerned.
The early to middle stages of the firework display were a little unimpressive, leading my friend to declare himself "a little bored" and wondering if "we shouldn't just go to the pub". I advised him to hold on, and fortunately the finale was brilliant - as it drew to a close, same friend turned to me with a massive grin and said "that was fucking incredible!"
From my fairly well elevated flat, I have an uninterrupted view of the Kirkstall Valley, meaning that every illicit firework launched across this section of the city is in my view. Y'know that footage you get of nighttime missile attacks in Baghdad, and the like? It's kinda like that tonight, but pretty and with a lower casualty rate. It's nice to see all these rockets being sent up independently whilst I'm one of a select view who can see them all as one display.
The early to middle stages of the firework display were a little unimpressive, leading my friend to declare himself "a little bored" and wondering if "we shouldn't just go to the pub". I advised him to hold on, and fortunately the finale was brilliant - as it drew to a close, same friend turned to me with a massive grin and said "that was fucking incredible!"
From my fairly well elevated flat, I have an uninterrupted view of the Kirkstall Valley, meaning that every illicit firework launched across this section of the city is in my view. Y'know that footage you get of nighttime missile attacks in Baghdad, and the like? It's kinda like that tonight, but pretty and with a lower casualty rate. It's nice to see all these rockets being sent up independently whilst I'm one of a select view who can see them all as one display.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month
Little details from your day
810I saw Gwar for the first time last night. Young buck, I know. The first 20 minutes of their set was incredible--smoke machines and them coming out and blood everywhere and evil noise.
After that it was a bit boring, the same bits repeated. But those 20 minutes were gold!
After that it was a bit boring, the same bits repeated. But those 20 minutes were gold!