Go Ahead, Blame The Fan
2and come on greg - he's not just "a fan" - they guy has a name...
Go Ahead, Blame The Fan
3I liked how the announcer kept reffereng to him as a boy. -You cant be too upset with him, he's just a kid.
Poor guy.
Poor guy.
Go Ahead, Blame The Fan
5if he does find him, i'm sure he'll either "smoke 'em out," or "bring 'em on."
Go Ahead, Blame The Fan
6Doh! The Cubs lost tonight. That 'fan' is in for no good. I swear I was rooting for the Cubs to win tonight for no other reason than for everyone to forget about that guy. I feel really bad for him. He didn't mean to screw things up. I wonder if he is eligible for the witness protection program.