The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

LeMoustache wrote:I also don't understand why you continue to post on a forum where you are so ostracised or persecuted.

You would understand if you knew my plan. When you see me ostracized, I see me winning.

The reason why people who have called me an idiot or full of shit return over and over to attack my posts is simple: I'm not the kind of troll who can be ignored, like Matthew. If you ignore Matthew, all you have to worry about is Matthew pumping out racist right-wing rhetoric that you don't read. He's about as toxic as a glazed donut here. I on the other hand am politically in sync with the majority of this newsgroup on about 80% of what I post. My departures from the mainstream progressives are the source of all the animus.

The timid leftists on this forum are waking up to the realization that they fell for a shoddily-constructed conspiracy theory five years ago, the official myth of 9/11. I rub their noses in their own gullibility.This eats the sheep up inside. Bob drags them under a cold shower of knowledge about approaching fascism, about the vampire bankers' pillaging of the economy, about the fabricated terrorstorm and Eurasia/Eastasia wars, and about the US servitude to international Zionism. I'm the fly in their soup. My threads infuriate the sheep because I expose their polite leftism for what it is: collaboration with the elites. They're dinosaurs, and soon to become fossils.

I am stunned that my log-in remains active. I so want to see who is the first on the left to cave in and plead to the moderators for my expulsion. Until that happens, I will post the truth here, regardless of the reaction. Stop replying to my posts, fire insults, I don't care-I'll watch the view counters spin and watch the inadequate lefties squirm.

I've won already. Every message I wanted out is out. I'm on my victory lap now. When all I predicted is revealed, remember where you got it from.

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

Angus Jung wrote:
clocker bob wrote:I've won already.

Bob 1, Federal Reserve 0.

One man's impotent rage (and the power of the truth, let's not discount that) was enough to take down one of history's most nefarious cabals.

Victory defined as distributing my message more widely. You didn't really think I was claiming victory over the bankers, did you?

The impotence is all around me here, among those who will not look into the dark abyss of central banking. I hope it's not contagious. My rage against the Fed ought to be all the rage; it ought to be of primary interest to any taxpaying citizen ( unless you're in the top 2% ).

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

legpuppy wrote: the way you pose yourself as the superhero here to awaken humanity only closes people up to the valid information you try and spread.

I think if you track the insults against me, it's my detractors who foam at the mouth and demand that I "stop acting like a superhero". I never agree with their assessment, but I'm happy to let them keep thinking it- they'll invent any defense mechanism they can to avoid the hard and painful work needed to confirm they're in a world of shit. My refusal to change my style just makes them more rabid ( and me more amused ). If they point to my posting behavior as the Kryptonite that prevents them from reaching logical conclusions about 9/11, the Fed, or the imploding economy, then they're more fucked up in the head than even God can fix. And they better call God, because I have no help for them.

Thanks for your opinions; I'm glad you see the truth on all these issues, but I write for me. Making enemies because I'm right and my detractors are trapped in Escapism World is just more ego massage for me. Five years after 9/11 and they're still not getting it? To hell with the stupid, to hell with another generation coming of age and falling on its face ( like mine did ) when it comes to vanquishing the military-industrial complex.

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left


That Twilight Zone about Lincoln- I'd forgotten about that episode. Rod Serling ( and Gene Roddenberry, for another example ) were so subversive. Science fiction and satire are two of the best entry points into the human mind, because the messages catch people off-guard, and can sneak through the filters and the propaganda. Kurt Vonnegut has taught me more with fiction than any political theorist I can name.

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

I like you, Clocker Bob.

I've seen you in the tech room once or twice, which to me, makes a big difference in the way I see people on this forum, cause there are plenty that are here for the baseballs, poker, ESPN-grade politicking, funny youtube videos, and not what I'm here for, which is Audio.

I like what Bob has to say because, as I've said before on another thread, I think believing one way or another makes about as much difference in global or even national issues as believing the Cubs are going to beat the Sox or whatever other baseball bullshit you want to think of.

I don't have a problem believing that JFK was murdered by people in our government, that the National Security Act of 1947 has stuck America's hands in a lot of dirty pies that civilians shouldn't know about, that Aliens are, in fact, real and our government has contacted them, or is in contact with them, and has reverse-engineered weapons and other technology from fallen spacecraft.

I don't care! Why do you?! If I voted for Cthulu, the fucking Dead-but-Dreaming High Priest of the Old Ones, it wouldn't make a fucking difference! Not any more difference than you people voting for the "best man" or, rather, the "person who has the best chance to win and is not a republican."

Love yourself, your families, your friends, and strangers alike and treat them with respect, and I think you'll die with a little grin on your face, at least.
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The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

wiggins wrote:I don't care! Why do you?!

Thanks for your kind words. But-

I care. I cannot care for myself without caring for the community I am part of. If the odds against those who care are a million to one today and a billion to one tomorrow, you still care. I'm just throwing those numbers out to make a point; it's not that dire. History shows us how to make revolutions. They start small, things look hopeless, there's no traction, and then *bang*: minds change like wildfire. Even if I never live to see it, someone like me will. We are not islands. We're cells. Every little bit counts. Keep raising your voice, making that friction.

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