Enregistr © par Steve Albini

sparky wrote:
SecondEdition wrote:Seriously, though, what rock bands have the French produced that are at all worth listening to? I've heard good things about Chico Magnetic Band and Les Variations but that's it.

Have you looked? If you haven't looked for it, you cannot generalise about its non-existence.

A few mentioned here. Gainsbourg's Melody Nelson is fantastic, as mentioned there and in other threads. Depends what you mean by rock, of course.

True. Duracell, Chevreuil, Programme, Cheval de Frise, Ulan Bator, Amanda Woodward are, off the top of my head, all great French rock bands.

At this point I also fail to think of anything more tiresome than people trash talking the French without knowing fuck-all. Bonne nuit.

Enregistr © par Steve Albini

user_name wrote:berurier noir are pretty cool, if you like your rock punk

Wow!!! Never thought reading a post on Bérurier Noir here.
I have this vinyl called Nada, it came out in '83.

I think this is the best Bérurier Noir release ever!!!! The lyrics are really dark and surreal, about lobotomy or lumberkacks killing an entire village.
At that time, they were using a really crap drum machine with probably no more than 2 or 3 different sounds and terrible guitar sound.
I keep reading all of you posting about you growing up listening to The Ramones, The Birthday Party or obscure SST punk rock bands. I grew up listening to this album all the time.
I strongly advise listening to this record!!!!

Enregistr © par Steve Albini

johnnyshape wrote:M83

Alan Braxe

M83!they're from Antibes, 25 kilometers from Nice. At the beginning of the band, they were two: Anthony et Nicolas. Now M83 is Anthony alone.
I had met Nicolas at one gig of my previous band. He is a fan of Shellac by the way and is a very nice guy. He left M83 two years ago I think.
In one of their videoclips you could see a girl wearing the jersey of the Nice soccer team.
I don't know Anthony at all but they have a myspace page and obviously, he's the one who manage it.
What's funny about M83 is that they are almost unknown in France.
Stella Peel

Enregistr © par Steve Albini

SecondEdition wrote:Seriously, though, what rock bands have the French produced that are at all worth listening to?)

have a look:

Les Thugs ( about 12 albums 15 years on the road (on recorded by steve out on Sub Pop))
Metal Urbain ( the pré Big Black think started in 76)
Condense (the loundy noisy one from 91 to 96)http://www.myspace.com/condense
Beruriers Noir ( the most minimal and agresiv punk band,one singer,a drum machine,and a guitare player from the 80's)
Deity Guns (fucking one of the best record ever "trans line apointment" produced by lee renaldo 1992)
Hint ( a full electro noise experience From 92 to 2005 )
Baton ("the french oxbow" dixit E Imself)

i forgot a lot but for exemple in a city like mine "saint-etienne" (200000 peoples)...you could find something about 70 rock band and a lot of then are really good in wath they do!

...and oh you know..in france we got electricity!!
Last edited by agent202 on Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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