post videos of your band on youtube

Farm Team on Chic-a-go-go in costumes. Look for Lawrence among others.

Farm Team Watch some girl say "you suck" right at the camera. And witness the slight altercation between us band members at the very end.

Century Rocket Building at CalsFest a couple years ago, filmed by a drunk friend.

*joesepi* - a couple friends backing me up at the old Prodigal Son, opening for Grant Hart.

*joesepi* - me doing a Devo (not 2.0) song acoustic behind the studio.

There's a bunch more, search YouTube for 'joesepi'
my mustache will be named 'Rick'.

post videos of your band on youtube

Here are 5 -

I love how in one of the videos the room is full, but in another video, the same room has 4 people (in view). Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

These are all pre-Electrical Guitar Company Guitars #47 & #63. Otherwise I'd look a TON cooler.

I'll stop apologizing now. Bask in our glory.
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

post videos of your band on youtube

I've posted these before but here are three videos of us, the first of which is an interview followed by a fairly nicely done live fake-multi-camera-style edited performance shot and put together by our pal Ashley.

The other two videos are us opening for Poster Children in Champaign in 2004.

Recently there were two videos up of us playing a house show in Greenville, NC in September, but the dude must have taken those down. Lame.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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