The Blue Album

Total votes: 11 (27%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (73%)
Total votes: 41

Album: Weezer - Blue

I guess "Buddy Holly" isn't terrible, but overall, Weezer were basically crap band. The first time I heard "Sweater Song," I could not believe how blatantly they had ripped off the Pixies' "I Bleed," right down to Kim Deal's backup vocals.

WF for "Buddy Holly" and for the fact that they're huge soccer fans/supporters of the US national team. Hell, I'll even throw in an additional WF point for the fact that hundreds of their contemporaries were worse.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Album: Weezer - Blue

cervixFORaHEart wrote:ok...we all know that you dont like it.

im just curious what it is exactly that you dont like.

for once, not trying to be a jagoff about it...i am honestly curious as to what makes you dislike these songs.

"The Sweater Song" is completely flaccid and uninspired, and i thought that when i was an 18-year-old college freshman back in 1992 as well. Back then, even with precious little sense of corporate manipulation and no exposure to the punk scene yet whatsoever, i could tell, by MTV's incessant hyping of the song and video, that these guys were a corporate tool and we, the audience, were being manipulated by the record biz to eat these douchebags up.

Years later, when Rivers decided to go all "arty" or whatever with Pinkerton and no one bought it, and he got all depressed because no one bought his record, i started to realize i was 100% correct in my assertion that Rivers Cuomo is a careerist dink. Vindication came in the form of The Green Album, which was a limp-dicked return to the original limp-dickedness of The Blue Album, which, of course, sold better than Pinkerton. In other words, oh, damn, no one bought Pinkerton so i'll punch the clock some more with this Blue Album retread shit.

Finally, they released "Beverly Hills."

Have you heard this song? This "Beverly Hills?" It is offensively bad. It's like "Stacey's Mom" without the MILF--in other words, irredeemably worthless.

When i heard "Beverly Hills" my reaction was the same as that guy in PCU who was watching TV the whole time and finally found a movie with Gene Hackman and the other guy his thesis was based on in it. I felt like over 10 years of spewing venom at any dork who'd make that stupid =w= with their hands was finally, irrevocably, justified.

"Beverly Hills" is the final proof that the Blue Album was a completely fabricated corporate product. And on top of it, the songs are boring and soaked in that lame-assed vanilla grunge guitar fizz tone they've got going on, like they wanted to coast on the recent grunge movement but not get lumped in with Soundgarden.



Yeah, that's Rivers in the middle.

EDIT: I'm leaving my "fizz" typo because i realize that it's more appropriate as their guitar tone is too pansied to be referred to as "fuzz." Pick up some Mudhoney albums and call me, assholes.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Album: Weezer - Blue

My love of this band is very contextual. Although i don't listen to their records much at all anymore, and i've only heard the first two (well i did hear some of that green one, but it just didn't work for me anymore), i find that both Blue and Pinkerton are wonderful albums. I don't really consider the rest of their catalog to exist. I can't even say I don't like it, cause I haven't heard it, but I know that I've gotten the most out of this band that I can with the first two.

Crafty song writing, catchy as hell and killer guitar solos.
Not Crap.
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Album: Weezer - Blue

Antero wrote:
rocker654 wrote:I like that song "Hash Pipe". It rocks OK.
Wrong album. That's from the green one, which sucks massively.

I don't have any of their albums, so I wouldn't really know what any of you are talking about. Sorry for interfering with your discussion, since I pretty much know nothing about this band.

I liked the song "Hash Pipe". That's pretty much the end of the story for me. It was a passing fancy.

Album: Weezer - Blue

MTAR wrote:My love of this band is very contextual. Although i don't listen to their records much at all anymore, and i've only heard the first two (well i did hear some of that green one, but it just didn't work for me anymore), i find that both Blue and Pinkerton are wonderful albums. I don't really consider the rest of their catalog to exist. I can't even say I don't like it, cause I haven't heard it, but I know that I've gotten the most out of this band that I can with the first two.

Crafty song writing, catchy as hell and killer guitar solos.
Not Crap.

I agree with this statement 100%.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

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