by daniel robert chapman_Archive
This is the time of the flies.
My workplace is currently besieged by bluebottles. They are proliferating around one end of the floor, and the man there killed thirteen flies yesterday. A more sensitive and more elderly colleague in the area let one out through the window. This influx of flies has led the floor to conclude that something, or someone, in, or on, the building, is dead and has been for a while. It hadn't occurred to me before I began writing this but perhaps tomorrow I will take the joking around this subject down a level and suggest a head-count of staff.
Perhaps I am the one who is dead, though. I went into my bedroom just now to put the heating on for a while before I retire; but found a big ol' fly making death dives at my bedside lamp. He was too quick to be defeated, and too lamp-fixated to take my offer of an opened window to the outside world. Of his own accord, however, Brother Fly made for the hall-landing where he was lately engaged in making up to the lamp-bulb there.
Returned to my living room, I found that the spider I had spied earlier tonight on the ceiling - an advantage of drinking every last drop from your can of beer is a spontaneous survey of the ceiling, my friends - had moved from his position of hours to a more attackable site. I generally find a way to remove spiders from this flat without killing them, but that is generally because they are as big as my fist and I want them where I can see them. This was a little fella, though, but destined to grow, so I went for a hard whack with a paperback volume of the Mini Oxford Dictionary (section seven, as a point of fact). Almost too easy, especially when compared with the fly problem.
That was when it occurred to my dull mind that I had just killed the spider that would kill the fly; and for some reason I concluded that I should post this information here. Let's face it, even though I know that the big fly is on the landing, I'm not going to sleep comfortably anytime soon knowing he was hanging around my pillow but recently. Buzz buzz buzz.
In other news, I recently heard the latest album by this band 'Oakley Hall', having heard a track on WFMU. I like some of it. Is the prevailing wind of opinion with, or against, this group? I can't make my own mind up but I think they're okay. All knowledge in this regard will be gratefully received.
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