Malachi Ritscher, RIP

BadComrade wrote:
galanter wrote:
Eierdiebe wrote:\ we aren't the least bit happy to hear that over 600,000 people in Iraq are dead .

Well here is some good news then. That statistic is almost certainly bogus.

Ok, so let's go with this:

"General George Casey, the U.S. commander in Iraq, says that the highest figure he has seen of civilian deaths is 50,000"

That's "cool" then? "Only" 50,000? We should be happy that our government has killed 50,000 humans under false pretenses? Saddam was gonna kill them all anyway, right?

You blow my mind all the time.

The vast majority of deaths in Iraq at this time are Iraqis killing other Iraqis. The US does not condone or encourage this. We are certainly not killing all of those people directly.

You may want to claim that the US is indirectly responsible, but it is not at all clear that the alternative, leaving Saddam in power, would have resulted in fewer deaths. Nor is it likely that a sudden US pullout would result in fewer deaths.

At some point the Iraqis have to join the modern world of democracy and pluralistic tolerance. Better sooner than later.

(The above is not to say that the current outcome in Iraq is optimal. Far from it. It seems like everyone, including me, wants to take a fresh look at the options for future progress. But a peaceful transition from Saddam to a democratic Iraq is and was impossible.

Oh, and let's not forget about other external forces like Al Qaeda, Iran, and others if you want to point fingers at those stirring the ethnic violence pot. For the US "victory" means a peaceful Iraq. For the others "victory" means keeping Iraq in perpetual conflict.)

Malachi Ritscher, RIP

Maybe you guys can have the decency to have this discussion someplace else.

I understand Chris' point above (Bad Comrade), and I share his opinion, but who fucking cares.

It's telling to note that many of the people who actually knew the guy are not commenting on 'his message.'

Someone is dead, has killed himself. Let us acknowledge that he made a final statement and that he is going to leave his friends and loved ones poorer for his absence.

That's it. Go make typing about the rest elsewhere. Start a new thread if you must.

Malachi Ritscher, RIP

I live in southern california, never even met this guy.

His act and his obit have effected me profoundly.

Most people (friends) that i have spoken to now know about him.
Most disagreed, i even thought it was too much. But i can not change the effect it has had on my week and will probably continue to do so.

R.I.P. Malachi Ritscher.
ChoCko is back in town!

Malachi Ritscher, RIP

Without getting political, even though the thread continues to go in that direction, I'd just mention that it is not at all uncommon for those committing suicide to not fully understand their malady. That is part of the reason they come to such a tragic end.

Suicide victims will often leave a note saying this or that is the reason they did what they did. The real story is usually one more about general mental health and less about a specific reason...a break up, money problems, etc.

I don't know Mr. Ritscher and I have no clue why he did what he did. But it's worth keeping in mind that in general suicide is a mental health issue and knows no political boundaries.

(Interesting factoid...twice as many people die from suicide as murder).

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