willowgardenuk wrote:Yeah, I agree totally. Good solid low end. Actually, Audix make a pretty good set of mics overall, I hear the D6 is a really great kick drum mic, anyone tried one?
I've been using the D6 exclusively doing live sound for the last year. I am EQing much less and gating much less often - almost never, actually.
I'll compare the D6 to a D112, just because the AKG is the mic we on this site are likely the most familiar with. The D6's presence peak is higher up the frequency range, it's a bit more scooped in the mid-range, and it's low end bump is a bit lower. Overall, through a p.a. it sounds a lot more like a kick drum to me than the D112 does.
I've only used it in the studio a couple of times. It seems to work best with fast, clickier kick drum applications. Not so good on drums with uncut resonating heads.