Malachi Ritscher, RIP

No offense, Galanter, but i think Tim was spot-on when he said, "who fucking cares."

This thread pertains to a particular person who recently passed away. It is an inappropriate place to discuss larger, tangential issues such as suicide or the war.

Malachi Ritscher, RIP

galanter wrote:
Eierdiebe wrote:\ we aren't the least bit happy to hear that over 600,000 people in Iraq are dead .

Well here is some good news then. That statistic is almost certainly bogus.

clocker bob wrote:According to who- Sean Hannity? Let's not bring this up here. If you want to make your case against the methodology of that study, I'll see you over in the thread that Cranius started: Iraq= Crime Of The Century

galanter wrote:And yet it's my post that gets a rise out of you and not the posts.



Lay. Off.
Last edited by Mr Chimp_Archive on Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's like you put everything into a bottle inside itself.

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