Dating older woman?

Total votes: 8 (13%)
Total votes: 54 (87%)
Total votes: 62

Act: Dating older woman

El Protoolio wrote:I started hooking up with one of my female roommates who was 27 or 28 at the time.

But did you finish?

nyuk nyuk.

When I was 22, I dated a girl who was 27, who I also lived with and we played in a band together.

Now that I am 32, I am dating a girl who is 22 who I also live with and we play music together, though not in a proper band just yet.

The latter is better than the former. It's a much more level playing field. Maybe that's just cause I'm not terribly mature, or maybe it's because we're a much better match. But with the limited experience I have, 68.7% of my age is better than 122.7% of my age.

What is the half plus seven rule? If it means it's okay to date someone half my age plus seven years, then I'm in trouble... well, until April, at which point it's okay. But then in September it will be un-okay again for 7 months, and then after next April, we're golden. Well, if you can round down on the fraction part (half of 33) then come April we're all good. That's a weird rule, if I have it right...

There's no hard and fast rule, only generalizations that maybe hold true *most* of the time. But with any specific two people, it may or may not be a good thing. Hell, look at how it worked out for Harold and Maude! What'd she get, like 3 abortions?
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Act: Dating older woman

I dated older women pretty much all my life.
In fact now i'm 22 and I'm kinda peeved I never actually messed around with many teenagers. Especially now I'm pretty much too old to mess around with girls that young anymore.

Anyhow, I'm 22 and my lady is 26 for better or worse.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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