Earwicker wrote:Chapter Two wrote:If a black southern American has a distrust of white people because his ancestors were treated like shit for a few hundred years and he is still subject to ignorant racism now, I'd say that distrust is somewhat justified.
As these things are want to it seems to have come down to semantics. I just don't like the use of the word 'justified'. Unlike saying it is 'an excuse' or 'an explaination' or even 'a reason' the use of the word 'justified' suggests to me that you accept their right to be racist.
I can understand where the prejudice comes from, I can understand where prejudice against Muslims and other cultures/races/gingers comes from but I would never say that any of the reasons that lead to my understanding were 'justifications'.
Racists in my experience are either a/ totally ignorant of the most basic things or b/ educated but were bummed by their uncle/brother/pet dalmation and the aggression that develops as a result is channelled into something totally irrational.
Is class prejudice justified? Is a poor person from a poor family justified in having prejudice against the rich? After all, it's been going a long time now, this imbalance. Yes, the rich have repeatedly fucked over the poor, but it's been going on for so long, maybe the poor should just forget about it and accept the way things are and be at peace with their overlords...
Well I don't think they should drop it and neither do you. Their resentment is justified because it springs from injustice.
I guess that from a certain perspective, any prejudice against the people of a nation can be considered racism, however valid the reasons are for it. If you also regard anything that can be coinsidered racism utterly stupid and ignorant, then of course your conclusion is going to be that no resentment regarding the people of another nation by a nation that were hammered by them in the past is anything more than ignorance and idiocy. That seems to be your argument, and yes, it is one of semantics.