1) Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. just a nice pale ale with a pleasant bite and flavor. Bad-ass on draft.
2) Red Stripe. Jamaica's premium beer. nice sweet taste with light body.
3) Flying Dog Pale Ale. brewed in Colorado... a fine hoppy pale ale.
4) Newcastle. a brown ale w/ a pretty light body, unique taste.
5) Pacifico Clara. hands down my favorite "mexican" beer. Corona can kiss my ass.
6) Fat Tire. from the New Belgium line-up... a fuller body beer w/ a nice nutty flavor and aftertaste.
7) Guinness. just can't leave this one out. full body, great taste, smoooth.

9) Warsteiner. these european/german brews are bold but tasty. put hair on your chest this one.
10) Youngs Double Chocolate Stout or Youngs Oatmeal Stout. Choice brews if you're into a stronger/stout beer. yum
*If you want your ass kicked, I recommend Maudite, La Fin DeMonde, Tres Pistoles... All in big bottles.... fucking rawk!
*I loathe Miller Lite, Samuel Adams, and any bitter beers. Or any of those brews you put a lemon into... good god!