Musical memory + pitch difference tests

These tests are pretty challenging!

This tests your musical memory, and it takes about 5 minutes. I got a 72.2%, so I'm just a "normie".

But I kicked ass on the pitch difference detection test:

I was able to accurately detect differences of 1.05Hz, which is 0.45Hz better than what was needed to enter their top category of "World Class".

Beat that, deafies!

Musical memory + pitch difference tests

stewie wrote:Beat that, deafies!

Great find, Stewie. This might break me of my Scrabble habit.

I was sure I was going to fail so miserably that I'd decide to sell my gear and just by an Xbox or something. I mean, I can barely tune my guitar by ear or figure out chord changes in a song.

Tonedeaf: 83.3%, VG performance.
Adaptive Pitch: 6hz, VG. At one point I was up around 1.5, but all that beeping...

I kinda think this thing might be broken. I am not very good; I am Crap.

EDIT: I'm listening on some sort of fairly nice AL PC speakers.
Last edited by Lemuel Gulliver_Archive on Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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