Heeby Jeeby wrote:'hey guys. i reckon quetzalcoatl is coming back'
'no way'
'no seriously he is. and then theres going to be a period of turmoil'
'hows that then chief?'
'i dunno...just general turmoil. a bit of this and that but i'm sure we'll be fine. its not as if a large army of marauding spaniards is going to arrive and kill pretty much every last one of us'
(cue uproarious mayan laughter and suitable 'end of civilisation' music)[/i]
Ah, the comedy of prophesied genocide. Hooray.
There was more detail, something about nine cycles of hell of 52 years each or something. Not that that particularly clears anything up but there you go.
And the Spanish Army wasn't all that large. There was only 600 of them but the Natives didn't want to upset them, thinking their firesticks and paella indicated their godliness.
To the day though. They got the prediction right to the day.