So How Big Are Your....

waitingroom wrote:...since my girlfriend doesn't have a stank cooter.

I bet she's thrilled to have you say this. She is a very lucky woman.

waitingroom wrote:...I'm a pretty good pussy scholar myself if I must say.

One cannot dub themselves "Pussy Scholar." That honorary degree must be given.

Messr. Geiginni has earned this degree through his intellect about the subject at hand (ha!).

Remember, even when it's about you, it's still always about her.


She does not need to be around. There are thirty other guys that would love to be with a loving woman and being vulgar about your sex life on a forum is just kinda tacky.

Anyway, I don't mean to give you so much the grief. Just my thoughts, which are only as valid as the bullshit that surrounds them.

Go buy her flowers for your transgressions. you were.

kerble is right.

So How Big Are Your....

kerble wrote:
waitingroom wrote:...since my girlfriend doesn't have a stank cooter.

I bet she's thrilled to have you say this. She is a very lucky woman.

waitingroom wrote:...I'm a pretty good pussy scholar myself if I must say.

One cannot dub themselves "Pussy Scholar." That honorary degree must be given.

Messr. Geiginni has earned this degree through his intellect about the subject at hand (ha!).

Remember, even when it's about you, it's still always about her.


She does not need to be around. There are thirty other guys that would love to be with a loving woman and being vulgar about your sex life on a forum is just kinda tacky.

Anyway, I don't mean to give you so much the grief. Just my thoughts, which are only as valid as the bullshit that surrounds them.

Go buy her flowers for your transgressions. you were.


Sweet chocolate Jesus. What is going on around here lately?

So How Big Are Your....

this is hilarious. you are all downright hilarious, and I am at my workdesk laughing to no one, like a schizophrenic. thank you.

If i may extend my own olfactory residue pussy hypothesis:

the protracted olfactory sensation of vagina residue on one's fingers is a psychosensory phenomenon, whether the female organ in question be "stank" or not. It is possible that there is sex-linked gene on the Y chromosome that codes for certain proteins in the brain that function in the consolidation of olfactory memories that can remain for several days. These memories are difficult to categorize because they fit neatly into neither long-term nor short-term categories, and are unique to males. Consolidation of these memories begins when the first odor of vaginal fluids is detected on the fingers, and the memory remains for all subsequent cued recall events over the course of the next few days, regardless even if all physical traces of vaginal fluids have been removed from the fingers. Since olfactory memories are known to be among the most salient form of sensory memory, it is possible that this phenomenon is an exagerrated short-term analog to the demonstrated strength of long-term olfactory memories. Further research could investigate the relationship between this phenomenon and evolutionally determined reproductive drives, as well as male obsession with the vagina.

So How Big Are Your....

gio wrote:this is hilarious. you are all downright hilarious, and I am at my workdesk laughing to no one, like a schizophrenic. thank you.

If i may extend my own olfactory residue pussy hypothesis:

the protracted olfactory sensation of vagina residue on one's fingers is a psychosensory phenomenon, whether the female organ in question be "stank" or not. It is possible that there is sex-linked gene on the Y chromosome that codes for certain proteins in the brain that function in the consolidation of olfactory memories that can remain for several days. These memories are difficult to categorize because they fit neatly into neither long-term nor short-term categories, and are unique to males. Consolidation of these memories begins when the first odor of vaginal fluids is detected on the fingers, and the memory remains for all subsequent cued recall events over the course of the next few days, regardless even if all physical traces of vaginal fluids have been removed from the fingers. Since olfactory memories are known to be among the most salient form of sensory memory, it is possible that this phenomenon is an exagerrated short-term analog to the demonstrated strength of long-term olfactory memories. Further research could investigate the relationship between this phenomenon and evolutionally determined reproductive drives, as well as male obsession with the vagina.

Bravo, Gio

Excellent hypoth. You now have a devoted colleague. Perhaps we could engage in research together, but alas, it is only of the solitary 'Don Juan' -such olfactory reseach. At least for the Segnior Geiginni it must be.


So How Big Are Your....

waitingroom wrote:
...since my girlfriend doesn't have a stank cooter.

I bet she's thrilled to have you say this. She is a very lucky woman.

waitingroom wrote:
...I'm a pretty good pussy scholar myself if I must say.

One cannot dub themselves "Pussy Scholar." That honorary degree must be given.

Messr. Geiginni has earned this degree through his intellect about the subject at hand (ha!).

Remember, even when it's about you, it's still always about her.


She does not need to be around. There are thirty other guys that would love to be with a loving woman and being vulgar about your sex life on a forum is just kinda tacky.

Anyway, I don't mean to give you so much the grief. Just my thoughts, which are only as valid as the bullshit that surrounds them.

Go buy her flowers for your transgressions. you were.

Actually, my girlfriend is the kind of girl that wouldn't give a shit if I wrote such a thing. We are both pretty immature and if she reads what I had written about her, chances are we'd have a good laugh about it, and then probably fuck some.

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